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Jam Rochelle A.


1. What is a digital divide?

According to the Digital Divide Council content platform, a digital divide is a
connotatively described as “gap” between individuals and their inaccessibility to modern
information and communication technology. The rampant problem of digital divide
affects growth and modernization of a certain society. Furthermore, the digital divide
council concludes that there are evident communities at the urban areas who had digital
2. What will be the implication of these in our current situation in the field of
education? Give advantages and disadvantages.
Many teachers especially for those who are already been in teaching for a long period
of time or mostly devoted their entire life cannot ride on the inevitable development of
our society, technologically speaking. They still stands on the use of blackboard and
chalk in hand.
As the pandemic occurred, the traditional teaching method of a teacher can be a
problem. Nowadays, people uses online platforms like videocall messaging, zoom
conferencing as mean to reach out teachers alike and students.
Teachers will have a hard time to teach students in these manner like zoom
conferencing, google meet or videocall messaging because they are not accustomed to
use laptop and gadget who are far more different on their digitally adept students.
Moreover, there are students especially in the public school who has no stable internet
connection. Some of them are only renting computer or as they call them “piso net” just
to be digitally connected.
To point out the information, here are the list of the advantages and disadvantages of
digital divide in education”
1. Digital divide in education will still conserve traditional values and morals.
2. People will not be entirely dependent on technology as a mean of teaching.
3. People will learn how to be flexible in the existence of digital divide
4. Human to Human interaction is still the best method to teach students.
1. There will be a problem in reaching out people who are far from each other.
2. There are students who learn visually or auditory. Digital divide suppressed it.
3. Adults who are not typically digital adept cannot ride on the students who are
described as “digital natives”.
4. There will be a limitation of free and vast knowledge that ICT can provide.

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