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1. VOCABULARY crime and punishment

a) Order the letters to make words for crimes.

 Burglary
 Hijacking1
 Smuggling2
 Terrorism
 Vandalism
 Fraud
 Bribery3
 Murder

b) Complete the chart

Crime Criminal Verb

Kidnapping Kidnapper To kidnap
Blackmail Blackmailer To blackmail
Drug dealing Drug dealer To sell drugs
Mugging Mugger To mug
Rape Rapist To rape
Theft Thief To steal
Robbery Robber To rob
Stalking Stalker To stalk
Hacking Hacker To Hack

c) Complete the sentences with the correct form of a word from a or b.

 The kidnapper took the child while she was playing outside her house.
 Fortunately there were no customers in the bank when the robbery happened.
 The stalker followed the actress everywhere she went.
 They were trying to smuggle electronic goods into the country, but they were
caught at customs.
 The Mayor accepted a bribe in exchange for allowing the company to build on
that land.
 Two men mugged/robbed my friends at knifepoint yesterday. They toll all her
 Someone managed to hack into her computer and fin her personal details.
 A burglar broke into my house while I was away and stole my laptop.

d) Circle the correct word

 A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery at the bank yesterday.
 It took the jury two weeks to reach their verdict of `Not guilty´.
 The victim’s husband has been charged with the murder of his wife.
 The criminal will appear in court next week.
 Police are investigating the kidnapping of a millonaire’s son in Los Angeles.
 The judge acquitted the accused man because there was no evidence.
 The witnesses who had seen the burglary reported it to the police.
 He got a 300 euros fine for parking illegally.


a) Read the article and answer the questions with the paragraph letter.

In which technique….

 Does the victim put himself in danger by downloading files from the
internet? E
 Is the victim tricked into replying to an email? A
 Does the thief look through the victim’s things with his own hands? F
 Is the victim tricked into making a phone call? B
 Is the thief in control of the victim’s electronic device? D
 Does the thief speak to the victim personally? C

b) Look at the highlighted words and phrases in the text and try to work out their
meaning. Then use them to complete the sentences

 Please key in your name and address.

 I have your mobile number, but I don’t have your landline.
 You can purchase any of these items at out online store.
 If you require room service, please press 1.
 Remember to use a shredder when you dispose of any envelopes or letter
that contain your personal information.
 With digital TV, you have access to hundreds of different channels.
 The police have asked for more time to gather evidence.
 Tomorrow I’m going to go through my wardrobe and throw away all my old

3. GRAMMAR passive (all forms); it is said that…, he is thought to…, etc.

a) Complete the text with the correct active or passive form of the verb I brackets.

As a police officer, I was very upset when my motorbike was taken from outside my
house last month. When I found out that over 20 motorbikes has been stolen in my
area in the previous six month, I promised myself that the thief would be caught and
punished. First my colleagues and I questioned all the victims of the thefts and visited
all the motorbike dealers in the area. Our investigations came to an end late last night
when we identified the criminal… as my next-door neighbor!

He has just been arrested and at the moment he is being held at the local police
station. His case will be heard/is being heard in the Magistrate’s Court next week and
we all expect him to be found guilty. He might be given a short prison sentence, but
the best thing is that no more motorbike will be stolen in my area in the near future.

b) Rewrite the sentences.

 The man is expected to be acquitted.

 Kidnappers are reported to have taken the president’s wife.
 It is thought that the terrorists are hiding somewhere in France.
 It is known that the suspect is dangerous.
 Vandals are reported to have damaged the art gallery.
 It is said that the police have arrested three men.

4. MINI GRAMMAR have something done

a) Rewrite the sentences with have something done

 We have our burglar alarm tested twice a yer.

 I have had my car repaired.
 My brother had his house painted .
 I will have my carpets cleaned.
 My neighbors are having a wall built.
 Oliver has his flat cleaned once a week.
 We are having our garden redesigned.

5. PRONUCIATION the letter u

a) Circle the word with a different sound

 Secure
 Jury
 Guilty
 Blackmail


a) Look at the title of the article. What kind of crime(s) do you think it will be

b) Read the article once. Choose the best summary of the writer’s opinion.

 The best summary is C.

c) Read the article again Answer the questions with a partner.

 According to the writer, in what way do people have a different attitude to

the online world?

- People think that anything in the online world is free.

 In what way is people’s attitude to online music illogical?

- If people wanted a song on a Cd, they wouldn’t just take it from the shop as
it is stealing, but online they feel they can help themselves.

 What did the government want to do? Who opposed this and why?
- The government wanted to punish illegal downloaders with internet
disconnection. A group of artists and musicians opposed this because they
said it reduced people’s rights.

 What is the writer’s view about illegal downloading?

- She thinks people who download music illegally should be punished.

 Why does she compare fans who illegally download their idols `music to
`lovers´ who ´what you as you drowns´?

- Because they love music, but they are watching the music industry suffer.

 Why does she think that the people who download will be the losers in
the long run?

- Because the music industry will get smaller and music magazines will close.
People who want to work in the music industry will find that the salaries are
very low because of money lost through illegal downloading.

d) Look at the highlighted words and phrases related to crime. In pairs. Work out
the meaning.

 Justifications: a reason or explanation that justifies.

 Campaigned:
 Civil liberties: the state of being subject only to laws established for the
good of the community, especially with regard to freedom or action and
 Banned: to prohibit.
 Have a right to: tener derecho a.


¿Cómo debemos hacer el writing donde proporcionamos nuestra opinión con

respecto a un tema?

Al principio, mencionamos la idea general y nuestra opinión. En el medio En el damos

las razones que fundamenten nuestra opinión y si podemos introducir ejemplos que
respalden nuestra opinión mucho mejor. Finalmente, ofrecemos una conclusión
recolectando toda la información que hemos dado en los anteriores párrafos.

Frases útiles (ejercicio a), p.118)

 Nowadays,  Secondly,
 In most cases  In addition,
 Firstly,  Finally,
 For instance  So
 Whereas  In conclusion,

 I think…. /I belive…
 In my opinión…
 In addition/Also
 To sum up/ In conclusion

2. GRAMMAR (P.147)

 Jamie insisted don paying for the meal.

 Lauren has agreed to work
 I warned Jane not to walk through the park at night
 The main admitted stealing the woman’s handbag
 The doctor advised Lily to give up drinking coffee
 The boss persuaded Megan not to leave the company
 Freya accused me of trying to steal her boyfriend
 I apologized to Evie for not remembering her birthday
 Did you manage to convince your parents not to come tonight instead of
 My neighbor denies damaging my car, but I’m sure it was him.


 Ryan suggested going for a walk.

 The teacher accused him of copying Anna’s exam.
 Sam’s neighbor threatened to call the police
 The children refused to go to bed.
 Simon invited me to have
 Molly reminded Jack to phone the electrician
 Ricky promised never to do it again
 Sarah recommended trying Giacobazzi’s. She said it was fantastic.

- Soundari is a seven year old Siberian tiger living at Longleat safari park in
- the keepers build the snowmen to entertain the tigers
- inside one of the snowman was a tiny video camera
- Soundari ate it
- The film is recorded on the camera because you could feel what it would be
like to be attack by a tiger and see its open mouth (its enormous sharp
teeth and its rough tongue)
- They could see what it would be like to be eaten by a tiger and they
managed to give Soundari’s a quick health check.

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