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  Why, exactly, was meeting Archie so traumatic for the wife?

 Sometimes people get into situations when they are trying to forget their past and to start living a
new normal life. There can be different reasons for such will and unhappy love is one of them. This
is the wife`s case. 
 Like she was saying, she was awfully fond of Archie and he was awfully fond of her. They were a
happy couple with a perfect relationship and great plans to live as a family. But at one time Archie
went to war and was reported to have died. We can only imagine how painful it was for this lady
when all their dreams had vanished at one single moment.
  Time has the ability to heal wounds, even though she was never able to forget about her love, but
at least she tried to let it go by marrying Frank. We can see that their relationship is far from being
perfect, but in my opinion, it could get better later.
   We can see that the wife had found a place where she feels a magical sense of happiness and joy-
the rose garden, but suddenly the ghost of past reaches her. She meets Archie, who she thought was
dead, but it`s not actually him in her eyes because of his disorder. I think, exactly this moment is the
most traumatic for the wife and there are two reasons for it.
 First of all, it might be really scary to see a person who must hast have been dead for a long time.
In our case, it is more about the ruined relationship. The woman in some way resigned to the fact
that this is over, and nothing can take it back, but here comes Archie.
 The bigger problem is that Archie has changed because of his injury. He is a lunatic now and the
wife perceives him as his own doll. Imagine how much she suffered while watching her love
behaving madly. He didn`t even recognize her. I guess, if he had been healthy, the woman would
have left Frank and got together with Archie again, but his disorder made it impossible.
 Those are the traumatic circumstances that in some way justify the wife`s behaviour towards Frank.
I think, there is still hope that their relationship gets better after they had both expressed their
feelings. Let`s hope so.

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