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Toma Prokhasko

What makes a responsible, or irresponsible, doctor or scientist?

We live in a time where the technologies are developing rapidly and new inventions and
discoveries are made almost every day. But as we can see, science can sometimes lead to negative
outcomes, and this is why the question in the title is so important. The main thing that makes a
responsible scientist is thinking about the consequences of his work and not being led by emotions;
that is one of the main problems of Marry Shelly`s “Frankenstein”. This can be proofed
by a couple of arguments based on the book and real-life experience.

At first, let us think about the personality of Doctor Victor Frankenstein-the main character of
Mary Shelly`s book. He is a scientist, who wants to defeat death by creating the monster. This
project is his passion and he doesn’t ask himself the question if it`s a good idea to do this.
but as soon his creation comes to life, he gets panic:” I had desired it with an ardour that far
exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless
horror and disgust filled my heart”. This is a good example of an irresponsible scientist, who did
not think about the consequences before creating something, because he thoughtlessly wanted to
achieve his goal. Furthermore, Frankenstein didn’t take the responsibility as the creator and tried to
push the monster, who wanted to get attention from the Doctor, out of his life, what has particularly
caused its violent actions.

The science is developing with enormous speed and it seems to be good, but it is not always so.
Often some discoveries that later lead to horrible consequences can seem brilliant and hundred per
cent safe. The inventors become famous and it motivates others to continue their researches,
while there sometimes is a point where you have to stop. For example, Ernest Walton and Sir John
Cockroft were the first people, who split the atom; this allows us to produce the main part of
Energy nowadays, but it also allowed to create nuclear weapon that can destroy humanity. In my
opinion, the people, who participated in this invention are guilty in almost 500000 deaths in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They are brilliant scientists, but not responsible at all.

Of course, we can say that obsession is the moving element of science. I agree with it, but
everything must have limits. When rationality gets lost behind the passion, every invention is
a potential danger. I am convinced that everyone has been regretting something that was done
without thinking. When something like this happens in science, it might have a much worse impact.

Now we can make a conclusion and finally answer the question. The work of a scientist requires a
lot of responsibility because it can have a huge influence on people`s life. A scientist is a
sort of creator, who has the power to decide important things, that`s why it is obligatory for him to
think about the consequences of his creation, only with clear mind, without any emotions, and if it
is potentially dangerous, he must do everything he can to avoid such scenario.

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