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UNIT II Lesson A:

The Social Mission of the Church

Presented by:
Activity: Picture Analysis (Hapag ng Pag-asa)

Look at the picture. What

does the picture tell us?
Activity: Picture Analysis (Hapag ng Pag-asa)

1. What does the picture
tell us?
2. Historically, how did
Jesus respond to the
issue of poverty?
3. Does the Church imitate
the example of Jesus in
responding to pressing
social issues?
Further Reflections

1. Is the Church a church for the

poor or the elite?
2. How should one understand the
principle of the separation of the
church and state?
3. Are Filipino Catholics merely
sacramentalized but not
Church of the Poor
The Church and the Questions of ‘Just
Relations’ among People
• The Church as the forerunner of truth
and justice among the Filipinos
regardless of ethnicity, gender and
• It is not to be identified with any
political partisan in order to become a
credible herald of peace, justice and
truth; and proponents of unawa
(understanding), awa (mercy) and
gawa (deeds) among people
particularly the marginalized.
The Church and the Questions of ‘Just
Relations’ among People
a. Respect versus Discrimination
• The Church in the Philippines is
expected to be the advocate of
impartiality that shuns any form of
discrimination, conflict and
political animosity.
• The Church is also called to
promote respect for races,
genders, religions and point of
views so that national unity and
healing are attainable.
The Church and the Questions of ‘Just
Relations’ among People
a. Respect versus Discrimination
• Discrimination and neglect are obstacles to the full development of
persons and of society as a whole.
• Everyone has a role and needs to have the opportunity to improve
themselves so that they can take their place in society and
participate fully in the community they find themselves in.
• This aspiration can only be achieved through the recognition of
people’s capacities, potentials, and rights.
The Church and the Questions of ‘Just
Relations’ among People

b. As Agent of Hope and Transformation

• It is through baptism that members of
the Christian community “are called to
a holiness of life in the world befitting
disciples of Jesus.”
• “Discipleship is the fundamental
vocation in which the Church's
mission and ministry find full
The Church and the Questions of
‘Just Relations’ among People
b. As Agent of Hope and Transformation
• As disciples of Jesus, we are called into communion with both God
and others and are sent in mission to proclaim the Good News of the
• As disciples, all members of the Church “should everywhere on earth
bear witness to Christ and give an answer to everyone who asks a
reason for hope.
Responding to the Demands of our
Contemporary Communities
a. The Fact of Religious Pluralism
• The Church recognizes and
defends the fundamental dignity
of man to be free from coercion in
matters religious.
• “All men are called in freedom to
Jesus Christ and to his Church,
which has a divine mission…to
evangelize the whole world… so
that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bend…and every
tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord…” (Phil 2:10–11).
Responding to the Demands of our
Contemporary Communities
b. Truthful Tolerance
• Dignitatis Humanae states: “… the human person has a right to
religious freedom. This freedom means that
• all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or
social groups and of any human power
• no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs
• Not to be restrained from acting in accordance with his own beliefs,
whether privately or publicly, whether alone or in association with
others, within due limits.
Responding to the Demands of our
Contemporary Communities

“The right to religious

freedom has its foundation in
the very dignity of the human
person, as this dignity is
known through the revealed
word of God and by reason
Responding to the Demands of our
Contemporary Communities
c. Fidelity to Proclaim the Kingdom of God
• The Church, endowed with the gifts of her founder and faithfully
observing his precepts of charity, humility and self-denial, received
the mission of proclaiming and establishing among all peoples the
Kingdom of Christ and of God, and she is, on earth, the seed and the
beginning of that Kingdom.
• The Church’s mission is the same as it was yesterday, today, and
tomorrow: to evangelize the whole world. “It is the duty of the
Church, therefore, in her preaching to proclaim the Cross of Christ as
the sign of God’s universal love and the source of all grace
Individual Activity

How can the Catholic

Church respond to the
issues of injustice in the
Unit II LESSON B: Building Christian
Communities through Renewed
Integral Evangelization
Presented by:
Activity: Video Clip Presentation
Activity: Video Clip Presentation

• How does the Church look
(view) at evangelization
• Aside from the ideas
presented in the video clip,
can you identify other ways
of evangelizing people?
Further Questions for Discussions

• Why is there a need for

‘renewal’ of
• Name attempts of
renewed evangelization
that are inconsistent to
Church doctrines.
The Vision-Mission of the 2nd Plenary Council
of the Philippines
• “We, as church in the Philippines, with
total trust in God’s love, envision
ourselves as the community of disciples,
who firmly believe in the Lord Jesus and
joyfully live in harmony and solidarity
with one another, with creation, and
with God.
• Following the way of our Lord, we opt to
be a Church of the Poor, which demands
evangelical poverty of us all…
The Vision-Mission of the
2nd Plenary Council of the Philippines
• …we shall embark on a renewed integral evangelization and
witness to Jesus Christ’s Gospel of salvation and liberation through
our words, deeds and lives.
• As bishops, priests, religious and laity, we together commit
ourselves to implement the spirit and decrees of the Second
Plenary Council of the Philippines in order to inculturate gospel
values in our milieu by this shall kaayusan (order in harmony) be
achieved through persons who are maka-Diyos, maka-tao,
makabayan and maka-buhay.”
a. Community of Disciples

• whose faith in Jesus is expressed in a

Church in mission that includes Asia and
the whole creation.
• patterned after the Holy Trinity where the
three divine Persons: unique, equal and
united are in constant sharing and in
• it also approximates the early apostolic
Christian communities.
b. The Church of the Poor
Our priority must be programs for the
conscientization, evangelization and organization of
the marginalized poor.
First, into small communities of faith and
Second, into sectoral groups to attend to
specific needs in cultural, political, economic
and religious institutions.

• This is empowerment of the laity especially the

poor for active participation and leadership in the
Church’s life and mission.
c. Basic Ecclesial Communities or (BECs) as
Community of Disciples
• BECs are small communities whose
members are in unity and
solidarity with one another and
with their pastors.
• Patterned after the Domus Ecclesia
or House Church which was the
Church known to the early
c. Basic Ecclesial Communities or (BECs) as
Community of Disciples
c. Basic Ecclesial Communities or (BECs) as
Community of Disciples
• The members have a strong sense of
belongingness and responsibility for one
• They share the Word of God and are guided
by regular catechesis. They gather around
the Eucharist and have a vibrant
celebration of life in the liturgy.
• They share not only their spiritual concerns
but also the material concerns.
• Their poverty and their faith lead them to
involvement in action for justice and social
2. The Nine (9) Pastoral Priorities of the
Catholic Church in the Philippines
a. Integral Faith Formation
b. Empowerment of the Laity toward Social Transformation
c. Active Presence and Participation of the Poor in the Church
d. The Family as the Focal Point of Evangelization
e. Building and strengthening of Participatory Communities that make up the
Parish as a Community of Communities
f. Integral Renewal of the Clergy
g. Journeying with the Youth
h. Ecumenism and Inter-religious Dialogue
i. Animation and Formation for “Missio Ad Gentes”
New Evangelization

New evangelization is doable

a. Evangelization by Attraction
b. Evangelization in a digital
c. Evangelization and
Written Work:
• Of the nine pastoral priorities of the
Catholic Church of the Philippines,
which one do you think is the most
effective, and explain your reason
why you say so?
• Limit your answer to one to two
pages short bond paper, 11” Times
New Roman font, 1.5 spacing and
1x1x1x1 margins.
• Date of Submission: next meeting

Written Work:
• How can you bring “renewed
integral evangelization” in your
community to build a community
of disciples?
• Write a one page essay.
Performance Task
Written Work:
Design a project that promotes integral
• The class will be divided into groups.
• The task is to plan and design a
project that will promote integral
• Present your step-by-step plans in
both written and oral presentation.

• Note for the facilitator: give outlines for the

written presentation as well as rubrics for grading.

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