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A change in my life

One of the best decisions I ever made was moving to Cancun. I wanted to get
my certification for diving since I was just graduating form my bachelor degree
on photojournalism and I wanted to focus on marine wildlife and conservation.
So I arrived to an apartment that a friend that had been living in Cancun for a
year already refered me to. One of my roomies told me that she could get me
a job meanwhile on Vidanta Resort on the sales department so I could finance
my diving lessons . I had never worked on anything even close to this but I
decided to give it a try. Starting working there wasn’t easy because it was a lot
of things that I had to learn. But I liked it, I thought it was very interesting, met
a lot of people and made very good friends, I even met my current boyfriend
there! . Now, I´ve becomed very good at it, I thrived economically and even got
a special invitation to join at the annual convention they have with the owner of
the company and got to go to Madrid where I met him. Coming back we got
the low season which has been hard, but I hope it will get better.

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