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Retno Twistiandayani *, Amila Widati **

*) Gresik University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No.2B
Gresik, 601122

**) Gresik University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No.2B

Mental health problems or mental disorders are still a health problem in Indonesia. Based on

the results basic health research (Riskesdas) conducted by the Ministry of Health in 2007, while

prevalence severe mental disorder, namely psychosis around 0.46% of Indonesia's population

of around 24,708,000 people Hallucinations are a form of mental disorder that often occurs in

society. Ability controlling hallucinations is the ability (potential) to directly control sensory

perception, or is the result of practice or practice. One of the therapies used for handling

hallucinations is thought stopping therapy. The design used is "Quasi experimental pre-post test

with control group". Determination of the sample by purposive sampling as many as 30

outpatients in Polyclinic District Hospital Gresik The variables in this study are independent

variables: thought stopping therapy and variables dependent: the patient's ability to control

hallucinations. Data collection using sheets structured observations and interviews. Analyze

data using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test with p = 0,000 and the level of significance is 0.05, so H0

is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is the effect of thought stopping therapy

on the ability to control hallucinations in schizophrenic patients in Poly Mental Hospital Gresik
Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati


Regency. Based on these results it can be concluded that thought therapy stopping can improve

the ability to control hallucinations in schizophrenic patients. Nurse in Poly The soul should

make the implementation of hallucinations of nursing care patients and have a measuring tool

for assess the success of the activities carried out so that it can know the ability of patients in In

controlling hallucinations.


Mental health is a healthy condition emotional, psychological, social and behavioral (Videbeck,

2008). Thus the conditions healthy soul seen holistically covering emotional, psychological, and

social aspects behavior that can function according to the task and its role in daily life. On

mental patients with cases Schizoprenia is always followed by a disorder sensory perception;

hallucinations (Nasution 2003).Schizophrenics are accompanied hallucinations will be difficult

to distinguish between stimuli arising from the source internals like thoughts, feelings,

sensations somatic with external impulses and stimuli.The impact that can be caused by

patients hallucinations are lost control of himself. Where the patient experiences panic and his

behavior is controlled by hallucination. In this situation the patient can commit suicide, kill

others (homicide), even damaging environment. To minimize the impact of that inflicted,

handling is needed appropriate hallucinations (Hawari 2009, quoted from Chaery 2009).

According to Stuart and Laraia (2005) interventions given to patients hallucinations aimed at

helping them raise awareness about the symptoms that are they are natural and they can

distinguish hallucinations with the real and capable world control or control hallucinations

Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati


experienced. Thought stopping mind) is one example of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

techniquescan be used to help clients change the thought process (Tang & DeRubeis,1999).

The results of the Simon T.M study in 2004 at the mental hospital. DR. Radjiman

Widyodiningrat Lawang significant changes were obtained to the ability to recognize reality in

hallucination patients given TAK hallucinatory perception stimulation. Patient Services

schizophrenia who experience hallucinations in Poly Mental Hospital Gresik Regency yet

implemented optimally and only just do pharmacotherapy. Based on initial survey, the number

of people with mental disorders in Gresik is increasing. Record Results medical in 2011, as many

as 10 to 20 outpatients in Poli Gresik Regency Mental Hospital every month. Now, as many as

20 to 30 patients receive the number of treatments per month increases 80-90%. From various

problems and previous research, has never been explain the influence of thought stopping on

the ability of patients in control hallucinations, which give researcher interest in conducting

research the extent of thought stopping in influence ability control hallucinations in

schizophrenic patients at the Poli Jiwa Gresik Regency Hospital.


This research uses quantitative methods descriptive analytics. The study was conducted at the

Poly Mental Hospital Gresik Regency in January 2012. This location was taken due in large part

community treatment there and is the largest poly population in Gresik Regency. The study

Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati


population was 86 patients schizophrenia who seek treatment at Psychiatric Hospital RS Gresik

Regency. Taking the subject using purposive sampling method by 30 patients. Criteria for

research subjects as follows: a schizophrenic patient experiencing auditory hallucinations,

willing conducted research, did not experience verbal communication disorders and

impairment awareness. Data collection is done by observation that is observing direct and

structured interviews with various subject activities in control hallucinations before

intervention.Conducting thought stopping therapeutic interventions right then and there to the

patient and family with in control hallucinations for 15 minutes. On the following week when

the patient is in control, structured observations and interviews were carried out in its ability to

control hallucinations. Analysis of the data used is analysis quantitative using Wilcoxon Sign

Rank Test.


Based on the results of the study, obtained proportion of influence of control ability

hallucinations before and after Thought stopping therapy in patients with schirofzenia. Table

Ability to Control Hallucinations Before and After Interventions for the month January 2012

at the Psychiatric Hospital in Gresik Regency.

Ability to control Before the After the intervention

hallucinations intervention

N. % N %

Good 3 10 8 26,7

enough 12 40 22 73,3

Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati


Less 15 50 - -

Total 30 100 30 100

Asympn. Sig (2-tailed)


From the above table based on the results of the analysis Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Test

statistics, ability to control hallucinations before and finally thought intervention was carried

out stop ρ = 0,000 which means it exists The effect of thought therapy stops on ability to

control hallucinations on schizophrenic patient.


Schizophrenia patients who experience hallucinations before thought stopping therapy

acquired the ability to control hallucinations half of the criteria are lacking. Hallucinations

hearing is the most form often from impaired perception in the client with mental disorders

(schizoprenia). Form these hallucinations can be in the form of noise or buzzing. But most often

form words arranged in a form the sentence that influences behavior client, so the client

generates a response certain things like: talking to yourself, fighting or other dangerous

response. Lack of environmental stimulus will also be the cause of hallucinations. On just before

tought stopping therapy,patients still often get angry because it dissolves in following his

hallucinations. Thought stopping is one example of psychotherapy techniques cognitive

behavior that can be used to help clients change the process think (Tang & DeRubeis, 1999).

After conducted therapy, schizophrenic patients increased ability in control the hallucinations,

Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati


almost all respondents can control hallucinations with how to rebuke hallucinations, say stop

and expel these hallucinations. Basic of this technique is to consciously rule yourself itself,

"stop!", while experiencing thoughts negative is repetitive, unimportant, and distorted. Then

replace the negative thoughts with other thoughts that are more positive and realistic. In this

research often happens difficulty, because of the difficulty of patients to concentrate on this

therapeutic activity.


Tought stopping therapy has an effect which is meaningful to ability control hallucinations in

sizophrenic patients. It is expected to improve implementation Thought therapy stopping by

paying attention indication of the client, that is, the client already get hallucinatory nursing care

and making nursing care standards in controlling the right hallucinations. After administering

the therapy still carry out evaluation and follow-up through a schedule of activities daily ability

of the patient control hallucinations.


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Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati


Misouri: Mosby, Years Book.Tang & DeRubeis. (1999). Sudden Gains in Cognitive Therapy of

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Effects of Thought Stopping Therapy on the Ability to Control Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients

Retno twistiandayani, amila widati

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