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1. Make 10 active sentences!

 am buying a book. (Aku membeli sebuah buku)
 We are managing this event really well. (Kita mengatur acara ini dengan sangat baik)
 She is wearing that ring now. (Dia mengenakan cincin itu sekarang)
 She read a book in the library. (Dia membaca buku di perpustakaan)
 gril a snapper last summer. (Aku membakar ikan kakap di musim panas kemarin)
 I bought this shoes yesterday. (Aku membeli sepatu ini kemarin)
 My mother cooked rendang last Eid. (Ibuku memasak rendang Idul Fitri kemarin)
 She sent me a message around 9 pm. (Dia mengirim pesan padaku sekitar jam 9
 Newton discovered gravity on 1643. (Newton menemukan grafitasi pada tahun 1643)
 I was punching Ridho as soon as he mocked me. (Aku memukul Ridho setelah dia

2. Change your active sentences above to be passive sentences!

 A book is being bought by me. (Sebuah buku dibeli olehku)
 This event is managed really well by us. (Acara ini daitur dengan sangat baik oleh
 That ring is being worn by her now. (Cincin itu sedang dikenakan olehnya sekarang)
 The book is read by her in the library. (Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)
 A Snapper is grilled by me last summer. (Ikan kakap dibakar olehku di musim panas
 This shoes was bought by me yesterday. (Sepatu ini dibeli olehku kemarin)
 Rendang cooked by my mother last Eid. (Rendang dimasak ibuku Idul Fitri kemarin)
 I was sent a message by her around 9 pm. (Aku dikirimi pesan olehnya sekitar jam 9
 The Gravity was discovered by Newton on 1643. (Grafitasi ditemukan oleh Newton
pada tahun 1643)
 Ridho was being punched by me as soon as he mocked me. (Ridho telah dipukul
olehku setelah dia mengejekku)

3. Make one paragraph about your activity as long as you are at home (more than 30
My activities at home as usual I wake up at 5 o'clock for morning prayers then make my
bed and do some activities such as cleaning the house. After doing it I then had breakfast
then showered. On normal days I will go to college after carrying out the mandatory
activities. But because we are now studying at home because of the corona virus that
makes us forced to do all activities as much as possible at home. So I will wait for
lectures at home, work on college assignments, study and then return to help parents after
completing lectures according to schedule.

4. Find the active sentences in your own paragraph and change it into passive sentences!

5. What are the differences among Covid19, SARS, and MERS!

6. Translate this paragraph into Indonesia!

Multi-topic presentations and so-called ‘door handle’ remarks (introduction of a new
problem upon leaving a room), dreaded by many doctors, have in fact turned out not to
present any real problems: such presentations and remarks have been shown to be the rule
rather than the exception in medical consultations; and yet, because patients tend to
announce them in the opening phase of presenting the complaint, doctors are able to
rocess them successfully at the communicative level.
Terjemahan :
Presentasi multi-topik dan apa yang disebut pernyataan 'pegangan pintu' (pengenalan
masalah baru saat meninggalkan kamar), ditakuti oleh banyak dokter, ternyata ternyata
tidak menimbulkan masalah nyata: presentasi dan komentar seperti itu telah terbukti
menjadi aturan dan bukan pengecualian dalam konsultasi medis; namun, karena pasien
cenderung mengumumkannya pada tahap awal penyajian keluhan, dokter dapat berhasil
mengolahnya di tingkat komunikatif.
7. Translate this paragraph into English!
Dokter bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan pasien memahami apa yang disampaikan.
Sebagai penerima pesan, dokter perlu berkonsentrasi dan memperhatikan setiap
pernyataan pasien. Untuk memastikan apa yang dimaksud oleh pasien, dokter sesekali
perlu membuat pertanyaan atau pernyataan klarifikasi. Mengingat kesenjangan informasi
dan pengetahuan yang ada antara dokter dan pasien, dokter perlu mengambil peran aktif.
Ketika pasien dalam posisi sebagai penerima pesan, dokter perlu secara proaktif
memastikan apakah pasien benar-benar memahami pesan yang telah disampaikannya.
The doctor is responsible for making sure the patient understands what is being said. As
the recipient of the message, the doctor needs to concentrate and pay attention to every
patient's statement. To ascertain what is meant by the patient, the doctor occasionally
needs to make a question or clarification statement. Given the information and
knowledge gaps that exist between doctors and patients, doctors need to take an active
role. When the patient is in the position of receiving the message, the doctor needs to
proactively ascertain whether the patient really understands the message he has conveyed.
8. What will you do for your research later? (topic, method, source data, procedure, and

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