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Moishe the Beadle is a person that is very shy he likes to keep to him self.

He mostly isolates
himself from other people. He is a mentor to Elizer. He lives in the community is Siget and in the
town Transylvania. Elizer is a person that is interested in Kabbalah. He likes to communicate with
other people. These people live in the gettos isolated from other people. Moishe the Beadle has
come back and escaped the masacre and told his story with every one he has told them that
they have to leave but they don’t believe him he keeps giving them warnings until it is to late.

This submission for the online portion I did not know about. It was not said in class so I did not
know that I had to do it. I did do the highlighting portion on their hand please give me credit
because I did not know that this was supposed to be done and my canvas was not working that

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