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hablemos sobre como la tecnologia ha afectado el medio ambiente. Creo que Durante mucho
tiempo las necesidades industriales y tecnológicas se han satisfecho sin prestar atención a los
posibles daños causados al medio ambiente.

Let's talk about how technology has

affected the environment. I think that for
a long time the industrial and
technological needs have been satisfied
without paying attention to the possible
damages caused to the environment.

Las actividades humanas, desde la obtención de una materia prima, hasta el desecho de los
residuos generados tras la obtención de un producto tecnológico, pueden tener consecuencias
nefastas para la conservación del medio ambiente. Algunos ejemplos son la desertización, el
impacto medioambiental de las obras tecnológicas, la contaminación producida en la obtención y
tratamiento de muchas materias primas o de fuentes de energía y los residuos generados en
muchas actividades industriales.

I THINK THAT Human activities, from

obtaining a raw material, to the disposal
of waste generated after obtaining a
technological product, can have dire
consequences for the conservation of the
environment. Some examples are
desertification, the environmental impact
of technological works, pollution
produced in obtaining and treating many
raw materials or sources of energy and
waste generated in many industrial

Technological advancement and the effect on the ecosystem.

Let's talk about how technology has affected the environment. I think that for a long time the
industrial and technological needs have been satisfied without paying attention to the possible
damages caused to the environment.

I think that human activities, from obtaining raw material to the disposal of waste generated after
obtaining a technological product, can have dire significances for the conservation of the
environment. Some examples are desertification, the environmental impact of technological
works, pollution produced in obtaining and treating many cold or sources of energy and waste
generated in many industrial activities.

Gaitán, A. (2013). Efectos Tecnológicos sobre el Medio ambiente. Tomado de:

Gaitán, A. (2013). Technological Effects on the Environment. Taken from:

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