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Cordial greetings

Write your advice on how we can contribute to the improvement of current environmental crisis.

Stage 3: What can be done? (3rd week)

Government entities should step up campaigns or policies on caring for the environment. Where
the world population become aware of contributing to the improvement of the environment doing
the following activities in our daily life:

Recycle, reduce unnecessary and irresponsible consumption and reuse the goods. By recovering
cardboard boxes or containers you contribute to less trees cut down, responsible for capturing
methane and purifying the air. Reusing 100 kilograms of paper saves the lives of at least 7 trees.

Use recycled paper, write on both sides, and take advantage of technological advancement using
email. Use returnable containers. Avoid wasting napkins, tissues, toilet paper, or other paper.
Avoid leaving the key open while you brush your teeth or shave. Avoid washing food with the key
open, use a container. Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full. Reuse
part of the water used by your clothes washer, this could be used for bathrooms or cleaning floors.
Repair leaks immediately, because ten drops of water per minute represents 2,000 liters of water
per year wasted.

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