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Alex Ilusorio

Block 4
My Sister
My sister Abby carried her outdoor NBA-certified basketball. She took it with her every time she
went to the park since 7th grade, as it was the time she began to take basketball seriously. She
would always shoot hoops from the free throw line and go up for lay-ups. She also protects the
one basketball from others, as if she wants to guard her dreams of playing ball in college.
She also carried her turquoise hydro flask water bottle. The water bottle has numerous stickers,
mainly including places where she has traveled for vacations and tournaments. Her bottle helps
represent her goals that she wants to be somewhere else in her life as if she is missing something.
Abby is still young, so she has plenty of time to achieve these dreams.
She carried her phone. The contrast between the light blue and pink of her case stands out
tremendously. She always carried her phone in her side pocket, as if she is looking for someone
to be at her side. I remember she would always go on Instagram and Tiktok watching short
videos and posts. Her phone is important because they way she uses it alludes to what she wants
in life. She wants someone to always be at her side for support and is able to make her
experience joy just like her phone does.
She carried her loud voice. Every conversation she had with her family; she always wanted the
final say in everything. It was not pulling her down but bringing up her importance in her
opinions and beliefs. Nothing was holding Abby back, not afraid to speak on her mind. Even as a
little child in the Philippines, she always was found the most outgoing as she would interfere
everybody around her.
She carried her courage. Between my sisters and I, it was Abby who was always brave and
courageous. Abby would always try new food and encounter gruesome challenges without
complaining. When people asked for help, she usually has no hesitation and always steps up. I
always wonder how she ended up differently than my sister and I, but that’s what makes her
unique. She is never afraid, and this attitude will take he far in life.
She carried her organization. Once again, Abby is on top when it comes to organization. She is
never lazy and always wants the house to be clean. She acquired this trait from my father, who
cannot stand terrible odors. Her room is the nicest and cleanest, as she never loses any of her
belongings. Abby is somewhat to admire, as her responsibilities are accurate and logical towards
complete success.

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