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jomplete the sentences. Use (not) have with a verb trom ne Magee" 4. Weal have enough 10 pay the bile, MONEY Ast ERED 2. You didn't have to walk t ‘ ride there. eines ay 3. Mike's mother is upset because he forgot her bir d Mc morey, $0 he really we | thday. He ha her a nice gift! 4. Andrew failed his drivin a tes more before he took the Ee ead . Emma didn’t apply to that soni E that school because she_coulAw! Nas living there. The town is really small and there's not ray todo. . Tareq teaches calculus, so he vat maaan me with my homework. He didn’t, ho Saat ayant wever, because he thought | should figure | oul tna Talk with your partner ab« i 0 Louie have out the things in the box. Use should have, col ei a ec with your book closed. Where does Josh Jamal: Hi, Josh. What's up? Not much. | have to study. | need to review 30 Japanese words f¢ my quiz tomorrow, and they all look the same. ; You really picked a tough major! The big problem is that | don’t get many chances to speak the lan My college has a summer program in Tokyo. | should have appl for that. ; Why didn’t you? Because | missed the deadline! | could have spent two months” | would have studied 12 hours a day... Well, don’t worry about it. \'m sure you'll have other chances Yeah, you're right. If! get ood grades, there’s an exchange {could spend next year at a Japanese university, im definite to apply. n. Then have new conversations about ice the conversatio pie ii karat HAIOGS, (CAEDEB Listen to three speakers talk about thei learning experiences. What did each person in the box study? i EDD ston ote speakers agin. Whatis each prson’s faring sve? ‘Speaker: auditory visual nesthetc, _readinghwsting Speaker2: auditory visual, Kinestheio _reading/weiting reading! writing Speaker’3: auditory, visual__Kinesthetic Pronunciation: Should have, Could have, and Would have Listen to the sentences. Notice how the word have can be reduced to sound like /a/ or /avl. 4. | should have paid my tuition on time. 2. Marty shoulun’l have chosen a science major. 3. We could have just stayed home. 4. [would have oreferred to learn this by doing it. MIBK Vo) jon’t know how to 2083 yo ek ord, pronounce it slowly, ry to see the word in Ty ming e ind, ite it several ways, and choo it up in the dictionary, jeed directions to g Place, | ke . tell me the directions, Se one, People to, pydraw a map for me, . take me there. write the directions for me, we problems installing a new. yuter printer, | || someone to ask questions, }ok for a diagram online, these guesions with two or three other students. Ve doses the aniy in avaroiea 62

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