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1. American Academy of Opthalmology (2017).

American Academy of Ophthalmology

Basic and Clinical Course 2018-2019, Section 6 Pediatric Ophthalmology and
Strabismus. San Fransisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology. (definisi,
klasifikasi,tatalaksana) (diagnosis)
2. A Textbook of Clinical Ophthalmology, Third Edition. (2003). Community Eye
Health.;16(47):47. (klasifikasi) (definisi)

3. Paulsen F. & J. Waschke.(2013). Sobotta Atlas Anatomi Manusia: Anatomi Umum dan
Muskuloskeletal. Penerjemah: Brahm U. Penerbit. Jakarta: EGC.
4. Vaughan D, Asbury T. (1992). Oftalmologi Umum. Jilid 2. Edisi II. Yogyakarta: Widya
5. Wright KW. Alphabet patterns and oblique muscle dysfunctions. In: Wright KW, Spiegel
PH, Thompson LS. Handbook of Pediatric Strabismus and amblyopia.
6. Nusz, K. J., Mohney, B. G., & Diehl, N. N. (2006). The Course of Intermittent
Exotropia in a Population-Based Cohort. Ophthalmology, 113(7), 1154–1158.
(epidemiologi, insidensi, prognosis)
7. Nusz, K. J., Mohney, B. G., & Diehl, N. N. (2005). Female Predominance in
Intermittent Exotropia. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 140(3), 546–547.
(epidemiologi, jenis kelamin)
8. Pan, C.-W., Zhu, H., Yu, J.-J., (2016) Epidemiology of Intermittent Exotropia in
Preschool Children in China, Optometry and Vision Science: 93(1); p 57-62
9. Bhola, R.(2006). Intermitten Exotropia: a major review. EyeRounds. Org. (etiologic,
klasifikasi, manifestasi klinis
10. Han, Dong & Jiang,.(2018). Clinical study of the effect of refractive status on stereopsis
in children with intermittent exotropia. BMC Ophthalmology. (manifestasi klinis)
11. Serrano P, Ignacio & Manjunath, (2011). Visual Suppression in Intermittent Exotropia
during Binocular Alignment. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 52. 2352-64.
(gambaran klinis)
12. Fenichel, G. M. (2009). Disorders of Ocular Motility. Clinical Pediatric Neurology,
313–331. (anatomi:otot, manifestasi klinis, diagnosis, tatalaksana)
13. Rusdianto (2006). Diagnosis dan manajemen mikrostrabismus. The 4 th Sumatera
Ophthalmology Meeting. Padang, 4-7 (diagnosis)
14. Timothy L., STRABISMUS. (2008). Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology, 583–622.
15. Chougule P, Kekunnaya R, Surgical management of intermittent exotropia: do we have
an answer for all?BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2019;4:e000243
(tatalaksana,surgical,indikasi pembedahan)
16. Buck, Deborah & Hatt, Sarah & Haggerty, (2007). The use of the Newcastle Control
Score in the management of intermittent exotropia. The British journal of ophthalmology.
91. 215-8. (Newcastle score) (prognosis)

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