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We must be able to meet these epidemic challenges.

This time they caught

us terribly off guard. And that, in some way, is our fault as a species for not
taking the threat seriously and not being willing to face it rationally and
Guayaquil, more than any other Ecuadorian city, pays its mistakes in handling
the pandemic with deaths and heartbreaking chaos. The economic capital of
this country of 17.5 million inhabitants has offered Dantesque images in
recent days.

For several days, corpses were seen in the streets or houses wrapped in
plastic and an underfunded and collapsed hospital system, with doctors and
nurses inside who ended up overwhelmed by the virus.
And it is that, in effect, the pandemic affected Ecuador both in Health and in
the economy, since it is accepted that the country is immersed in a strong
crisis, so the president has taken decisions to face it. And not only in the
country, the virus has claimed hundreds of lives around the world.
It is not yet known how the origin of this pandemic was, but according to
well-argued hypotheses and according to the US media, they are exclaiming
that the virus originates from a Chinese laboratory, even so this hypothesis is
not confirmed.
The immune system is the one that acts now individually, and collectively the
great health personnel who are part of the battle squadron to face this highly
contagious virus, it should be noted that humans have already faced viruses
Lethal like this, we live with millions of bacteria, it is only a matter of time
that the vaccine appears. Meanwhile the best weapon to deal with it is our
immune system.

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