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Energy–Matter Interaction 25

Their sum is equal to 1:

φλ reflected
ρλ =
φλ incoming

φλ transmitted
τλ =
φλ incoming

φλ absorbed
ρλ =
φλ incoming

ρλ + τλ + αλ = 1
Other than through atmospheric particles, transmission is possible, for
example, for water. Nontransparent solid bodies have a transmission
coefficient of 0.
The incoming energy cannot get lost. Absorption is a process in which
higher frequency energy (e.g., light) is converted to lower frequency energy
(e.g., heat).
The reflection coefficient of an object is of crucial importance for remote
sensing. It varies for different spectral ranges for a particular object. It is char-
acterized by an angle dependent function, the so-called radiometric function:

ρλ(∈1, ∈2, ∈3) = ρλ0⋅f(∈1, ∈2, ∈3) = ρλ (solar position)

in which ρλ 0 is the normal reflection coefficient, valid for an object illuminated
and reflected in the same direction. ∈1 is the spatial angle between the direc-
tion of illumination and the surface normal. ∈2 is the spatial angle between the
direction of the sensor and the surface normal. ∈3 is the spatial angle between
the direction of illumination and the direction to the sensor.
The normal reflection coefficients vary for different object types, for exam-
ple, for green light:
Coniferous forest, 1%
Water, 3%
Meadow, 7%
Road, 8%
Deciduous forest, 18%
Sand, 25%
Limestone, 60%
New snow, 78%
The spectral reflectance varies with each object type, as shown in Figure 2.3
for soil and vegetation.

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