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1. Introduction

An electric bike is a battery-operated vehicle which is specially designed for people with

low mobility. E-Bikes are available in three common designs, those intended for indoor

use, those for outdoor use, and those that are used for both.

Since it runs on battery power, it does not create pollution. A typical electric bike

requires a pair of batteries, but the batteries are rechargeable. The length of time an

electric bike can run on each charge depends significantly on its battery's type, rating and

capacity. The most common batteries are advertised to run for about eight hours, and

between 50-100km, before needs to be charged.

Some people are a little wary of purchasing an electric bike because they fear it

will be difficult to operate. In fact, the control console makes it quite simple once a

person gets the feel for it. Electric bikes are also equipped with advanced brake systems,

so stopping is simple and comfortable. The brake begins to engage as soon as the

operator lets off the throttle, so there is little chance for abrupt or jarring stops. Most

bikes also have a parking brake to keep the electric bike from rolling when parked.

The electric vehicles industry is continuously evolving. E-bikes typically incorporate a

battery, which can be charged at an ordinary domestic power socket, linked to an electric

motor in the e-bike transmission system. The rider have the power to controls the output

power from motor i.e speed using a handlebar mounted computer display panel and

controller. The term ‘e-bike’ is generic and includes a combination of different

electrically powered two-wheelers some of which function by simply turning a throttle.

In common electric vehicles use a BLDC motor (Brushless Direct Current Motor). This

paper presents a way of designing and implementing an electronic module for an e-Bike.

The paper shows how a low power can be utilize to drive such a motor and also manage

other useful functions on an e-Bike. E- Bike make use these BLDC motors as the

propulsion method. Due to the fact that BLDC motors do not have brushes, they present

some advantages over the DC brushed motors, from which we remember:

(1) Longer life span,

(2) Lower EMI (Electromagnetic interference) radiation,

(3) Noiseless operation,

(4) Grater torque to motor size ratio

From experiences, we know that even at current high oil prices, fossil fuelled vehicle are

more favoured over e-bikes, despite of them being the cheaper alternative. Thus, there

are some barriers which may exist to the usage of e-bike .The premise of this paper is to

overcome many of these barriers by technological means at minimal cost to create a

usable transport for public use.


Every e-bike has the same components that are used in a normal two wheeler

motorcycle. But the main difference is instead of the combustion engine we use electric

motor to drive the vehicle.

The main components of an e-bike are

 Chassis

 Electric motor

 Battery

 Controller


From the various types available, the chassis can be selected on the basis of design

requirements and the intended use of the vehicle. There are basically four types of frame

available to be selected. On the basis of required design specification and the need, the

following out of the four can be selected. They are:

1. Ladder

A ladder frame is a common type of frame that is mostly used for constructing the base

for vehicles by connecting the solid members in the way that resembles to a ladder.

2. Backbone

This chassis design is similar to body on fame design. In this the front and rear end of

the vehicle are joined by the means of a heavy tubular like structure.

3. Monocoque

A monocoque chassis is one that uses metal that is molded from sheets of the material,

which is the same method used to build other parts of the frame. This type of chassis is

similar to a unibody type.

4. Space

A space chassis can also be known as tubular even though it is not tubular in the true

sense. The components are welded together to create a strong frame that comprises some

flexibility. It is a truss like structure that provides greater strength compared to the ladder



Motors are the devices that convert the electrical energy into mechanical energy and

causes the vehicle to propel. Basic working principle of DC motor is based on the fact

that whenever a current carrying conductor is placed inside a magnetic field, there will

be mechanical force experienced by that conductor. Out of the various options available,

the options available with us were two of its type. They are:


When permanent magnet is used to create magnetic field in a DC motor, the motor is

referred as permanent magnet DC motor or PMDC motor. This battery operated motor is

nothing but a permanent magnet DC motor or PMDC motor. These types of motor are

essentially simple in construction. These motors are commonly used as starter motor in

automobiles, windshield wipers, washer, for blowers used in heaters and air conditioners,

to raise and lower windows, it also extensively used in toys. As the magnetic

field strength of a permanent magnet is fixed it cannot be controlled externally, field

control of this type of DC motor cannot be possible. Thus permanent magnet DC motor

is used where there is no need of speed control of motor by means of controlling its field.

Small fractional and sub fractional KW motors now constructed with permanent magnet.

A PMDC motor mainly consists of two parts. A stator and an armature. Here the stator

which is a steel cylinder. The magnets are mounted in the inner periphery of this

cylinder. The permanent magnets are mounted in such a way that the N-pole and S-pole

of each magnet are alternatively faced towards armature


Brushless DC electric motor (BLDC motors) also known as electronically commutated

motors, or synchronous DC motors, are synchronous motors powered by DC electricity

via an inverter or switching power supply which produces an AC electric current to drive

each phase of the motor via a closed loop controller. The controller provides pulses of

current to the motor windings that control the speed and torque of the motor.

The construction of a brushless motor system is typically similar to a permanent

magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), but can also be a switched reluctance motor, or an

induction (asynchronous) motor. The advantages of a brushless motor over brushed

motors are high power to weight ratio, high speed, and electronic control. Brushless

motors find applications in such places as computer peripherals (disk drives, printers),

hand-held power tools, and vehicles ranging from model aircraft to automobiles.


Battery is the main fuel source for our vehicle that supplies energy for its functioning,

the scooter been electric powered requires the supply of DC current source and for this

purpose one of the two types of battery is available for use. They are: • Lead acid battery:

The lead acid storage battery is formed by dipping lead peroxide plate and sponge lead

plate in dilute sulfuric acid. A load is connected externally between these plates. In

diluted sulfuric acid the molecules of the acid split into positive hydrogen ions (H+) and

negative sulfate ions (SO4 ). The hydrogen ions when reach at PbO2 plate, they receive

electrons from it and become hydrogen atom which again attack PbO2 and form PbO

and H2O (water). This PbO reacts with H2 SO4 and forms PbSO4 and H2O.

Battery Battery is the main fuel source for our vehicle that supplies energy for its

functioning, the scooter been electric powered requires the supply of DC current source

and for this purpose one of the two types of battery is available for use. They are: • Lead

acid battery: The lead acid storage battery is formed by dipping lead peroxide plate and

sponge lead plate in dilute sulfuric acid. A load is connected externally between these

plates. In diluted sulfuric acid the molecules of the acid split into positive hydrogen ions

(H+) and negative sulfate ions (SO4 ). The hydrogen ions when reach at PbO2 plate, they

receive electrons from it and become hydrogen atom which again attack PbO2 and form

PbO and H2O (water). This PbO reacts with H2 SO4 and forms PbSO4 and H2O.


A device that serves to govern in some pre-determined manner of performance of an

electric motor. A motor controller includes an automatic means for starting and stopping

the motor, selecting forward or reverse rotation, selecting and regulating the speed,

limiting or regulating the torque, and protecting against overloads and faults.

2. Problem statement

In the modern days, the primary concern of government is to find out a way by which we

can minimize consumption of fossil fuel and promote the use of electric vehicles in our

daily life.

However, there are certain barriers while adopting these latest technology in our daily


3. Objectives

This research focuses on the following objectives

 To reduce time and fasten the movement

 To reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources

 Project is primarily designed for green mobility thus it will also help to control

the pollution which is one of the major crises nowadays.

 To be used for transportation on airports, colleges and at places of tourists


4. Organization of the thesis

This thesis is structured in five correlated chapters in following order.

Chapter 1 provides introduction about E-Bike

Chapter 2 discusses state of the art literature review in ……..

Chapter 3 describes…….

Chapter 4 interprets theas obtained results ……..

Chapter 5 concludes the research and presents summary of research findings.



1. Anshul Singh Titoriya , Abhijeet Sharma, Bhupesh Kumar Ahirwar, Anoop

Mohan Sharma Under the Supervision of Prof. Manoj Singh Bhist Assistant


about the project which aims to underscore the importance of tapping alternative

and clean energy sources to address various energy issues confronting the global

environmental landscape. Increasing interest from large manufacturers and

decreasing battery costs offer an opportunity to drastically change the current

market landscape for electric motorcycles and electric scooters. According to a

recent report from Navigant Research, sales of electric motorcycles and scooters

are expected to total 55 million from 2015 to 2024.

2. JENNIFER DILL, GEOFFERY ROSE (2012). [2] clarified that Electric bicycles

are progressively regular in China however are moderately uncommon in the

United States. The meetings uncovered a few conceivable statistic markets for e-

bicycles that could extend the bicycling populace: ladies, more established grown-

ups, and individuals with physical impediments. Proprietors of e-bicycles noticed

their capacity to travel longer separations and over slopes without any difficulty

and to touch base at a goal, for example, work, less damp with sweat and less

drained than a customary bike would permit. These highlights may beat a portion

of the regular hindrances to bicycling for all socioeconomics. The vast majority of

the talked with E-bicycle proprietors utilized their e-bicycles to substitute for

movement by either human-fueled bikes or customary engine vehicles. Thusly, the

e-bicycle can address worries about medical issues identified with inertia,

contamination, and other open strategy issues to which private vehicles contribute.

Further research is expected to decide if explicit approaches are expected to

expand reception of e-bicycles. The potential for strife between riders of e-bicycles

and of standard bicycles due to speed differentials is a worry. Regardless of

whether speed differentials will represent a noteworthy issue will depend not just

on the degree of selection of e-bicycles however the qualities of the riders.

3. ELLIOTFISHMAN, CHRISTOPHER CHERRY (2016) [3] talked about that E-

bikes speak to one of the quickest developing sections of the vehicle showcase.

More than 31 million e-bicycles were sold in 2012. Research has pursued this

development and gives a combination of the most relevant subjects rising over the

past on the expanding point of e-bicycles. The center is transport as opposed to

recreational e-bicycle look into, just as the most basic research holes requiring

consideration. China drives the world in e-bicycle deals, trailed by the Netherlands

and Germany. E-bicycles can keep up speed with less exertion. E-bicycles are

found to expand bike use. E-bicycles can possibly dislodge ordinary mechanized

(inside burning) modes, yet there are open inquiries regarding their job in

uprooting customary bikes. E-bicycles have been appeared to give medical

advantages and a request of size less carbon dioxide than a vehicle venturing to

every part of a similar separation. Security issues have developed as an

arrangement issue in a few locales and e-bicycle numbers are currently moving

toward levels in which satisfactory wellbeing information can be gathered.

Research on ebicycles is still in its earliest stages. As e-bicycle utilization keeps on

developing, so too will the requirement for further research, so as to give the

fundamental information to illuminate strategy creators and industry.

4. SIMON WASHINGTON, NARELLE HAWORTH (2014) [4] clarified that there

are as of now in excess of 700 urban communities working bicycle share programs.

Indicated advantages of bicycle share incorporate adaptable versatility, physical

movement, emanations and fuel use. Certain or express in the figuring of program

benefits are presumptions with respect to the methods of movement supplanted by

bicycle share ventures. An optional and remarkable common and support. These

two parts are then consolidated to gauge bicycle offer's general commitment to

changes in vehicle kilometers voyaged.

5. C.C.CHAN (2002) [5] talked about a reality where condition assurance and vitality

preservation are developing concerns, the advancement of electric vehicles (EV)

and half and half electric vehicles (HEV) has taken on a quickened pace. The

fantasy of having industrially practical EVs and HEVs is turning into a reality. EVs

and HEVs are step by step accessible in the market. This paper will give a diagram

of the present status of electric and half breed vehicles worldwide and their cutting

edge, with accentuation on the building logic and key innovations. The

significance of the combination of innovations of vehicle, electric engine drive,

hardware, vitality stockpiling, and controls and furthermore the significance of the

reconciliation of society quality from government, industry, explore

establishments, electric power utilities, and transportation experts are tended to.

The test of EV commercialization is examined.

6. K.J.ASTROM, R.E.KLEIN (2005) [6] clarified that the elements of bikes are

dissected from the point of view of control. Models of various multifaceted nature

are exhibited, beginning with straightforward ones and closure with progressively

practical models created from multimode programming. Models that catch

fundamental conduct, for example, self-adjustment just as models that show

troubles with back wheel controlling are considered. Encounters utilizing bikes in

charge instruction alongside recommendations for the sake of entertainment and

provocative examinations with demonstrated understudy fascination are

introduced. At long last, bikes and clinical projects intended for kids with

incapacities are depicted.

2. Summary of literature review and research gap

The literature review indicates -------------------



1. Design of E-bike: - we have used CREO software for designing E-bike how ever

the final product will be different from the design obtained from CREO.

2. We have designed chassis of bike for initial stage and will include other parts on to

the chassis as we proceed to fabrication

3. Due to uncertainty of bike shape and position of placement of parts we restricted

ourselves to outsourcing of parts.

4. Once all the parts are collected, we intend to design the E-bike from ground up to

final Creo module of E-bike.

Designing of chassis :-

Step 1. Open Creo parametric and open new file. Uncheck the default template option

and click ok, select mmns_part_solid press ok and new screen appears with thee

dimensional planes.

Step 2. Select a lane and select sketch option, draw a rectangle of ______ & ________

Select a distance of ______ and apply a center line. Select revolve command, a

cylinder with _____ diameter is formed.

Step 4. Save the file and open a new file with a particular name. create a pipe with a with

required dimensions by suing sweep blend commands.

Step 5. Assemble all the pipes and parts as required and a chassis is formed.



1. Conclusion

a. According -------------------

b. -------------------

2. Recommendations

a. -------------------

b. -------------------.


[1] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, M. D. S., &Hamdan, S. (2015).

Methanolysis of Crude Jatropha Oil using Heterogeneous Catalyst from the
seashells and Eggshells as Green Biodiesel. Asean Journal on Science and
Technology for Development, 32(1), 16–

[2] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam,M. S., Hamdan, S., &Maleque, M. A.
(2016). Biodiesel Production from Crude Jatropha Oil using a Highly Active
Heterogeneous Nanocatalyst by Optimizing Transesterification Reaction
Parameters. Energy & Fuels, 30(1), 334–343.

[3] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, M. S., &Hamdan, S. (2017). Active Razor
Shell CaO Catalyst Synthesis for Jatropha Methyl Ester Production via
Optimized Two-Step Transesterification. Journal of Chemistry, 2017(1), 20.

[4] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, S., &Hamdan, S. (2017). Optimization of
Transesterification Parameters for Optimal Biodiesel Yield from Crude Jatropha
Oil Using a Newly Synthesized Seashell Catalyst. Journal of Engineering
Science and Technology, 12(10), 10.

[5] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, S., Hamdan,S., Rahman, M. R.,&Masjuki,
H. H.,(2018). Experimental evaluation of fatty acid composition influence on
Jatropha biodiesel physicochemical properties.Journal of Renewable and
Sustainable Energy, 10(1), 20.


Appendix A: Data (if any)

Appendix B: Publications(if any)

[1] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, M. D. S., &Hamdan, S. (2015).

Methanolysis of Crude Jatropha Oil using Heterogeneous Catalyst from the
seashells and Eggshells as Green Biodiesel. Asean Journal on Science and
Technology for Development, 32(1), 16–

[2] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam,M. S., Hamdan, S., &Maleque, M. A.
(2016). Biodiesel Production from Crude Jatropha Oil using a Highly Active
Heterogeneous Nanocatalyst by Optimizing Transesterification Reaction
Parameters. Energy & Fuels, 30(1), 334–343.

[3] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, M. S., &Hamdan, S. (2017). Active Razor
Shell CaO Catalyst Synthesis for Jatropha Methyl Ester Production via
Optimized Two-Step Transesterification. Journal of Chemistry, 2017(1), 20.

[4] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, S., &Hamdan, S. (2017). Optimization of
Transesterification Parameters for Optimal Biodiesel Yield from Crude Jatropha
Oil Using a Newly Synthesized Seashell Catalyst. Journal of Engineering
Science and Technology, 12(10), 10.

[5] Reddy, A. N. R., Saleh, A. A., Islam, S., Hamdan,S., Rahman, M. R.,&Masjuki,
H. H.,(2018). Experimental evaluation of fatty acid composition influence on
Jatropha biodiesel physicochemical properties.Journal of Renewable and
Sustainable Energy, 10(1), 20.


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