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Things you should know before booking

a table in Gold Coast Restaurant

If you’re like most people you will enjoy dining out in a nice Gold Coast
restaurant. The best way to ensure you get a table is to book early, as soon
as you know you’ll be going out. That way you will surely to be
accommodated in the restaurant you prefer. Some of the more popular
restaurants are booked out weeks or even months ahead on special
occasions such as mother’s day, Easter and long weekends. Other places
you may find hard to get a renovation even a week before during their busy

Often it’s a good idea to choose a quiet time for a special occasion to be sure
you will get the best service. Reservation protocol is not too hard to learn
and it can make dining out in your preferred upscale restaurant much
easier. Some of the fine dining Gold Coast restaurants, don’t require
reservations except on busy occasions. However, most establishments do
and many even require you to make a reservation at any time. This is
because it helps them plan the evening and ensure they have enough staff,
as well as ensure a steady flow of customers and timely service

Plan ahead

If you’re planning a Valentine’s dinner, Christmas or New Year’s Eve

celebration make your reservation as early as possible. If on the other hand
you require a special table, for the view or an anniversary at the same place
as years before, most restaurants will try their best to accommodate you as
long as you give them plenty to notice.
When Making Restaurant Reservations

Being polite and pleasant always pays off when dealing with hospitality
staff in a Gold Coast restaurant.

 Make your reservation at least a week in advance, although very

popular places may require a month
 Always call the day before so you can confirm your reservation and
make any special requests you may have
 Arrive at a restaurant about five minutes early, this means there is no
rush and most places have a waiting area.
 If you are running or going to be late, call and advise the restaurant,
they most likely will be able to accommodate you, but if you’re too
late they will give your table to another
 Avoid frequent booking and cancelling, this annoys most
establishments who are now on a database and screen their bookings,
so you may find it hard to make a booking
 Always know the establishments tipping policy and tip accordingly

Special Occasions

If you are planning a group function or party a good policy is to contact the
restaurant of your choice and make an arrangement with them for a time
when they are not so busy. This will ensure you get the best possible service
and you can negotiate a better overall price. Being flexible gives you a great
advantage and increases your options as most establishments like to be
busy on their off nights
Booking a restaurant table at a Gold Coast restaurant is best done as
soon as you decide to dine there as most of the better places are booked out
for a week or more in advance. Arrive a little early and if you’re going to be
late, call and let them know.

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