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Almost 4.57 billion people are active internet users today.

This is 59 percent of the global

population. We spend a lot of time online on facebook , instagram and so on. So it is normal that
youngsters and their parents use same apps in order to socialize with friends, post pictures e.t.c. The
questions is: it is ok to be friend with your mom/dad on social media? From my point of view yes, it is,
because in this way we could minimize that gap between generations .

Unfortunately, in most cases teenagers don’t want to have their parents in their friends list. This is
understandable because a lot of young people believe that facebook/instagram are their personal space
where they can post everything and be themselves. They don’t want to share everything with parents
,but I believe that if you have something to hide from them, you have a problem. To give an example,
bbc did a study. They asked 10000 parents to send a friend request to their children. As you might
expected, just 1592 from them accepted the request. This is a problem our generation should deal with
because now we spend more time online than with family and even there we don’t allow them to be a
part of our community .

On the other hand parents should follow some roles in order to not make their children to fell
uncomfortable in front of his friends. So before posting a picture from his childhood or leave a comment
at one of his pictures, it is a good idea to ask if this is ok. Also keep in mind that our parents love us and
when we will be far away from home they will be happy to be able to see us from time to time on
facebook or insagram. I think that this is first step nowadays to make your mom and dad your best
friends. For example a friend of mine left home 2 years ago for university in France, because he is
“friend” with his parents they can see his student existence unfold online and they are both happy with

Finally, it is everyone’s choice to be or not to be friend with your parents. Yet I believe that this have
a lot of benefits for both parents and youngsters.

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