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1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the policies that you prefer.

It produces
the policies that much smarter people prefer.

I think this phrase isn’t totally true, first because the different political systems aren’t always
chosen by the citizens, also some of those are outside of their scope and only seems to be
democratic systems like a mask, for example totalitarian political systems press people and
prevent that power abuses to be punished, distorting the policies and the order for an environment
of justice and the real free expression of rights and duties of the population, then a political system
can produce the policies that corrupt people and powerful prefer, not always what smart people

2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the population.

There are better or worst political systems, but never an ideal system for all people, although the
cultural attributes of each population if infer in the quality of each political system around the
world like I can see and understand it, due to it, some people have better systems or
representatives because they are more conscious and isn’t easy that corrupt politicians take High
charges in their countries or locations.

3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability.

There is common knowledge which is important for all people, although is important each
individual bolster their skills and abilities, always is important that all people has some general
learning which will help they to learn and study in their own area more easily. It dues to have
different policies that promote a quality education for all people. I think a quality education allow
people have better opportunities and governments, an educated society is a cult society.

4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest.

People with government charges in general are interested about private sectors because how we
have seen already, they ensure in this way sources which make more politic campaigns and thus
continue in that kind of charges, is like a loop where a thing depends of the other, then if a
politician knows that certain politic campaign won’t generate dividends for he or his political party,
He or they will refuse it, thus this project have benefits to the community, although exist some
political really publics boost by the government, those are less commons.

5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for people in need.

The objective with taxes always is to return to the community in some way, either with education
programs, health programs, building improvement, external debt payment, or for people with
some kind of need which prevent they to generate their own resources, but there are problems
with the distribution of the money to impulse those programs, much times this resources the
money is bad distributed and it remain in hands of ill-intentioned hands, then the programs can’t
function correctly, or also it are used like a political arm to capture political force, without matter if
people receive it really need or not the benefits.
6. Governmental programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy instead of inspiring
them to become hard-working and independent.

So much times the government impulse different kind of projects which hinder the right
functioning of the society, sometimes it is with good intentions but without a right understanding
of their impact in the society, then some projects meet well its propose and other just make the
problem worse. Other times those projects if have the propose of become the society in
dependent and lazy, and it is with the intention to conserve in the power charges the same people.

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