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Takeaways from Navigating Digital information

1. One of my biggest takeaways is reading laterally. Reading laterally rather than vertical is
very important because the first result you see is the one Google wants you to see, when
you read in a lateral way you an verify if the claims made by the site are correct. I never
used to read laterally but after the watching the series I am more aware of what I am
reading and investigate further.
2. Another lesson that I am grateful for is not always believing a website simply by how it
looks. You should always check if there are any biased opinions of if the perspectives is
not neutral. If a website has graphs is does not necessarily mean that the website can be
reliable. I used to be very lazy when checking my sources and noticing if the information
was biased or not, I saw a graph I automatically believed it was reliable evidence.
3. I also learned the dangerous amount of information and control the social media has over
us. When you are utilizing the app, they learn more and more from you and can sell your
information and receive targeted ads. Before I did not know it could be so serious or
extreme, but after the Navigating Digital Information episodes I learned that there are
ways you can protect yourself from having your information so exposed.

Takeaways from Social Distancing

1. One thing I learned during social distancing is how productive I can be. During all of this
time I have spent home I have been surprisingly very productive, when before I would
only do homework and end up late at night and super tired, only to repeat the cycle. Now
I can savor my time and ration my homework. I have also been able to help my mom in a
more carefree mindset knowing I have time to complete all of my schoolwork.
2. Another important takeaway I had is spending time with your family. Now that we see
each other 24/7 and not a couple of hours per day, we tend to fight a little bit more than
we used to but that was in the beginning of quarantine, now we have learned how to
handle each other and socialize and communicate in a healthy way. Which was been a
lesson to all of us.
3. Social Distancing has also taught me how we take the simple thing for granted. When we
I went to school and had an ordinary life, we saw familiar and different faces every day,
but now we don’t. I find myself missing and seeing my friends everyday as well as
having simple social interactions (something that we all lack right now). So my takeaway
is learning to appreciate the simple and little things we take for granted.

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