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Sebastian Vasquez

Find comics (appropriate) that you think help you cope with our current situation.  Attach
the comic into the text box (or create a Word document to upload) and explain why you
believe the comic works.  For your chosen comic, answer the following questions: 

I think this comic lets me cope with the current situation because it is funny and makes me
reflect about the positive side of been in quarantine.

1. Who is the intended audience and how do you know? 

The intended audience of this comic is anyone who is in quarantine. I know this because
only the people that are in quarantine can relate to this post and really find it funny and at the
same time realize the effect the coronavirus is having on the society.

2. What is the cartoonist's message? 

The cartoonist’s message is to portray that there are many people that are not affected by the
coronavirus, that their lifestyle is the same since these types of people are not in contact with
the external world. I believe this comic wants to show indirectly that people should not be
afraid of staying home alone, since there are people that live doing so, with or without any
world threat keeping them from going out.

3. How does the cartoonist deliver this message? (Look at both the illustration and any
caption/text included). 
The cartoonist delivers this message by showing how the man on the right doesn’t even know
about the world pandemic. This is obviously an exaggeration, but it helps show the audience
how isolated people can live. Also, through the text the cartoonist wants the reader to focus
on the good side of being in quarantine. This was done with how the cartoonist quoted the
word “positive”. This emphasizes the world and brings the attention of the audience making
them reflect on what is the positive side of being isolated from the world.
4. How were you affected by the message in the cartoon? 
Personally, I found the comic very funny and entertaining, but its message was really
important because since school was cancelled, I have been feeling very lonely and isolated
from the world. This comic made me realize that I am not alone and that it is not as bad as it
seems. The situation could be a lot worse, so in a way I am thankful that the only thing
required from me is to be isolated in my house.

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