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I was struck from a young age when watching movies or documentaries related to everything that

has to do with the army, I continue to attract attention throughout the years, to a certain point of
wanting to consider it a profession in the future. I was always struck by having knowledge of the
handling of a weapon, the hierarchy, the privileges that that profession entails, the regime on
which they are based and the super strict conduct that comes with being a Marine.

The only impediment that I found not to choose that path is that our country does not exist an
army as such, or at least at the scale in which I want or wanted, that was why I also decided to
study This career, because it belongs to the maritime field And although the tasks of each one are
different, the labor field is still the sea and makes me feel very warm that it is so

If he presented me with the option as I wanted back then, I would have chosen it. But that doesn't
mean I'm not comfortable with the decision I made right now because I feel like I belong where I

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