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SILKWORM ENGLISH Ta LANGA CONTROLS: JOYSTICK ONLY ieee De MA mee Cun CCU rd DS ae cu TAPE) ‘TAPE: Hold down SHIFT Key and press RUN/STOP, Press PLAY on tape, Program will load and run. bao aL ae ‘Press CTRL and smal ENTER Cater a ver di 2] Ge MUE eA Gua 0 ea aan CL DEL ‘One or two people can join in the fun... so once the game has loaded, follow the on-screen ‘prompts to configure the options. In one-player mode you can choose to drive the jeep or pilot Doon ete ee EO au En en RE UL et eee cae See eee ee ee eee oe ut Ss Cd ‘now civilisation has returned to low-explosive weapon systems with high delivery rates. Warhas Ee oe ‘Weight of numbers, together with very high firing rates, goes partway towards making up the ‘shortfall in power occasioned by the ban on nuclear weapons. But even though the generals have Dee oR Ture Nu ee Wc Rae eR UCD Lg ‘with, they are not at all pleased, They are in fact, well unhappy, The commanders of the One Continent Alliance have joined forces to show the political leaders that they have power — alithe and, sea and subterranean forces of the Alliance have rebelled and a military coup looks inevitable. Coe ay Cd Our planet is only just clinging to its path through the solar system, having been set wobbling like a Ce ee Ue ee tc nee TUE) ‘power they will return to the nuclear technology of war, and Earth will almost certainly be sent Bae un. tun ea CUM Cee Pe i eR ene Coe uLy Co ee tt Ua Ue Soe CRO ACU RUA ca De Dieter ae EU UAC pe a tag uber te aie UE sR ur page he) Skilled pilot or driver could take out all the generals. Those odds would be improved if driver AND. apilat could be found, Co ae aU hE RU es MU alge Lug Se tu aud oe te ctor ul UL UR eeu cue Step forward hero, read the briefing and take the controls... OPERATION SILKWORM: MISSION BRIEFING Notsurprisingly, weapons scientists are not experts at military intelligence: The data they have Cee cet eee CL Ug goad in Whether you are working solo or as part of a two-man team, the objective is the same ~iast your Se ee ere cerca TS Miso RUM ul eek) destroy on the way the better your chance of survival - and the more hero points eared. Time Ua eT Sa aS le Landmines, when shot, release @ cloud of plasma gas, Drive or fly Into a sparkling plasma cloud, and ee Teese re a lal mW CCUM a DCU ey are on screen at one time, collect the first and then shoot or run into the second to create a Be Too ey Ce oe ee ee oe Deer Ru ue el ues Meee uel 0 err ue ur eee een ewer aR ced Steet oc 5 The generals who are threatening the existence of the planet are found at the end of each level, Cee UU UPR raced Rue kee ul ey Nee CU ue RCo Co ECR cu hk Seo cl Ce dale LT aed ta RE aise [ted RT td ae EA el TT Eg Allrights of the producer and of the owner of the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, Cd and broadcasting ofthis alsc is prohibited. The publisher assumes NO for errors, nor liability for damage arising fram its use. WARNING: These programs are sold ‘according to VIRGIN CAMES LTD'S terms oF trade snd concitions of sale. Copies of which are avaliable on request. LADEANWEISUNGEN Piles Pate ue um ee uu eles ae ta re Be Wace eed id TAPE) ‘TAPE: Die SHIFT ~ Taste gedrlickt halten und RUN/STOP drilcken. Das Programm ladt sich und laut. Daur eu a ese te Ce cue OT Ce) ‘464: AUFCTRL und die kleine ENTER ~ Taste driicken. Cueto Cua Mt Cu ear e ad Den Computer auf 48k einstellen, LOAD” “ tippen und auf ENTER drilcken. Dann PLAY auf dem eet ge eC ase a Be Oa Do eee UU cL lumen trie [ecu un ‘den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um die verschiedenen Optionen zu definieren, Im Ein- Bo de eee eee ee aC UR aN ui Foray a sh eee nun uct Acer 13/0) Battal INSTRUCTIONS DE CHARGEMENT Ce Sa ee ce cua Une ou deux peuvent prendre part au jeu — une fois le jeu chargé, suivez les Incitations d éeran Cd ce eu anagem Cayo Lol CEG a hE Eee Ral LM E Ler aan ea Tt Le ree Introduisez le disque dans le Lecteur A, Le programme se chargera et se déroulera, re epee Nd Sel E rd eee Ue Mec cll tage gee Les Te fol cd APES CTS aa Eat ole doen ean sn on) eR er Ue sce ioc} Da 4) Rm Rae ea a Ce uu eee ete cee} Uy Ce eRe aoe 6128: Tapez /TAPE et appuyez sur RETURN. Appuyez sur CTRL et la petite touche ENTER. SPECTRUM Do au adc ie ec LU eS CC or UL eee ed roar DI peeled ee Del es Cl ae Cu Ee ict ht CU Dee a Cnt ar Wee ich ke LAPT S Pay Oba ae uae See ect 1 i Cu ere ec] Psa Dee na Ra Cattery si carica @ gira automaticamente. PUL? TY Cena N31 g laa * 6128: Batti TAPE @ premi RETURN (INVIO), Premi CTRLe Enter piccolo. SPECTRUM : ol ee em UCL ac eo ic a programma si carica e gira da solo. CONTROLLI: SOLTANTOML JOYSTICK Seeds Nu tte er lel be alte ele Ll doula ‘schermo per configurare le opzioni. Quando ¢’é soltano un giocatore, potete scegliere di guidare la macchina 0 V'elicottero; se invece Ci provate in due, insieme ad un amico, mettetevi d’accordo chi Cece ee)

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