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During this school year I learned new things in writing class.

One of the most

valuable things I learned was in the persuasion unit, how to reason. Using this skill through

the school year has helped me in different classes such as Science and Literature when I tried

to persuade people to change their opinions.

Another valuable unit was grammar. This unit is necessary because it makes

everyone’s writing better, but sometimes it gets repetitive. I think that once a quintile there

should be a test to see whether the class needs to review something or we already know it and

can move on. This change would make lessons more efficient.

Some units I enjoyed included was Poetry and the Short Fiction unit. I really liked

the Short Fiction unit because we had the freedom to create any fiction story with few limits.

I think it was a good idea for it to be near the end of the year because it can show what we

learned in the class during the year. I also liked the children’s book because we had deadlines

such as when to finish our interviews and book. Theses deadlines helped me stay on track

while we got to write about a family member’s life.

There are some units where I would have made changes to such as the persuasive

speaking unit that we did at the end of the year. I did not enjoy this unit much because my

teammate was not very good at working with other people and communicating. For the unit I

would have given an option for people to work independently for different reasons: one, one

teammate would not hold-back their teammate from the grade if they were absent on their

day, and two because sometimes one person does more than their share of work.

This was a good school year because I learned new things in writing that will help me

later in school.

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