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Orientacées aos Viajantes re 0 eu destino e as riscos que ele pode oferecer a sua sade * acine-se e siga as medias de protegso & sadide recomendadas. * Case voeb adooga aps 0 seu retomo, informe Seu médico sobre qualquer viagem reaizada nos ‘kimos doze meses. + Conserve este certificado ‘como um documento, o's ee poderd ser necesério em outa vagem, Recommendations to Travellers * Get information on your travel destination id potential health risks 4 10 8 weeks before ravalng + Comply with recommended vaccinations and other prescribed medication and health measures, * Ii case of ay signs of iless after you return, be Sure to tll your doctor about any traveling you, have lone curing the previous 12 months, Keep this certificate with you because it can be ‘useful in another tip, ‘ & ei Fetes doa Vacinagao ou Profilaxia International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis Fegslmont Sitio emia! 2005) International Heats Regul zeeovsnsor znu2oI4 eo eis asec] pone mma pa fates] sam "sewed el Shoypieoug nouyuiaayA 40 alvoi4h4a> wwNOUYI Yat ea SSR aNA Set Sovti Soest

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