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Reaction Paper


In the stimulus response theory, I learned that we respond according to stimulus.

Our stimulus is anything that causes a response. In our everyday it was happened. In this
theory, it also emphasizes the importance of rewards or incentives to stimulate and
influence what and how pupils do things, including how they learn. In chaining, I learned
that this is the process of teaching a behavior using behavior chains. There is a learner
who are learned by teaching every step of the sequence and reinforced when completed
correctly it is called Forward Chaining. On the other hand, there is learner that easier
teach a task from the last step than from the beginning called Backward Chaining. I
discovered in this topic that it is all about mastering a task and there is reinforced when
completed correctly.

` The reporters of this group presented and explained well their reports. However,
some of the reporter of this group are didn’t make eye contact with their audience. Some
of the reporters read their cues during the reporting that show’s they don’t fully understand
their reports. In presenting their role play, I fully understand their topic and it is
entertaining. But overall, I fully understand the information they present to us.


I learned in this theory that it is a method of learning to behave otherwise once

given totally different, or unique, stimuli. It is employed in acquisition once a subject is
predicted to respond to a selected stimulus and not respond to those which can be similar.
I discovered in this theory that how we respond in different stimuli, it reflects on our
behavior. On the other hand, In Gregorc’s Mind Styles I learned that our mind are works
in Perceptual Quality and Ordering Ability. In perceptual quality our mind uses the
concrete ability and abstract quality in thinking while in Ordering Ability our mind works
through sequential ability and random ability.
The group present their report with a clear introduction and clearly stated the main
idea of their report. They convey a clear and significant information. The visual aids are
present appropriate. Some of the presenter’s use a clear and precise voice that is
understandable and audible. Not all the presenter’s maintained eye contact through most
of presentation. In role playing, they executed a play relevant to their topic.


I learned in signal theory that learner’s learns by following signs to a goal, learning
is assimilated through meaningful behavior. The subject is ' conditioned ' to emit a reaction
due to a stimulus which does not normally produce that reaction. This learning is helpful
as it is a method for self-protection. In field independence learning theory, learner’s incline
to rely less on the teacher or other learners for assistance. They learned by their own
knowledge or understanding, they don’t distinguish other information around it.

The reporters present a clearly stated main idea. Their oral language throughout
the report are clear and precise which makes understandable. They maintain the
connection between speaker and audience as they maintained the eye contact, appears
relaxed, confident and poised. In their role playing, they executed their topic relevant and
well present.


I learned in the verbal association theory that it is the process of memorization of

new material using mental pictures, associations, and other activities. Some learners
learned by a serial learning or memorizing a list of words in a particular order. Some
learners learned by lists a stimulus and response item together or paired-associate
learning. It is the process of memorizing using an associating word. Lastly, there is a
learner uses organizational processes in memorizing new information and recall it and
this process is known as free recall learning.

The presenters of this group present their assigned topic well. However, there is a
problem in their visual aids that makes interruption in their reporting. But their voice,
content of report, and connection to the audience is present well and maintained
throughout the presentation. The presenter relate their topic in the role playing clearly and

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