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ate ! i Lt rk if ae ih ih ! “fl Hi Es) i 4 Ey He R i a f ui Se 1 4 we x : uy iki fel fe I ' i E a tad raven wp © ‘change in the colonial system ‘winc was 10 harmonize with the “which the revolution > in Spain had been Men dae io these face and promises that the Sy ixproverert in the 1 Fears, on the cther hand, the colory would soon be iteiss of their COuDtrY, feared that ther power Completely 3 thing of the past. ‘Trepmuy Cavite gave eerie Bier» meee se ees eens mols end © Pee a Fao ane Fad been beld ‘out fom ‘o'be Pipe ple BB las ofthe ening af Govern U2 wee crt pablc functionaries whoa been st Sra eee Reeds by. the Goverment that succeded GEER abel The fal of the new rulers In Spain within Sipe days ss wel a5 ner ccnurences, seemed 10 Ledttatt he tain made by te € to make a thorough inves exten of Te alleged revolution; the conservative element in the Philippine Islands painted the local condition of affairs in somber tints; and the Madrid Government came to believe, or at least to suspect, that a scheme was being, Coreacied’ throughout the islands 10 shake off Spanish Sovereignty. Consistent with the precedents of their Colonial rule, the repressive messures adopted to quell he Supposed. incurrection were strct and sudden. No Inuit appears to have been made to ascertain whether RP he tanocent sulfered with the guilty, and the only 2d sought appeared to be to inepre terror inthe minds of by ming examples of x crzin nurmber, so that none all by Mrature should attempt, nor even drsem of any attempt a secesion.

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