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> y By Dr TH. Pardo de Tavera Pocsren 30 Filipino Version of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 The Fitpino version ofthe blocdy incurt of Cavde in 1872 was wenten by Dr Toeidad H. Pardo ip Tere, Fipro sctela, Se au ceca ch Eg a feges was alutly s(selted oy ye. sebeta apt Rome’ ot Wem, inpeld by vicanc wan, ose ars ‘agit ch samsary 20, 1872, snd lee the commande, lhe Cavite arsenal ana oer Spans 7 rch whe shed rm fied byte Prigpne ee eee ARAL ee ae ee eee eee Felt ee perpeletee fe aes See ee oe eared ae del en ae : sa tela vs pr ttn of Se Sema? community, but the founding of which didnot tally with the views of the religious orders Governor Laquierdo believed that the establishment of the new school was merely a pretext for the organization of politcal clyb, and he not only did not allow st 10 be Gpened but made a public statement accusing the Filipinos iho had charge of the movement All of thowe who had Cie tie suppor to exCoveret La Tore, wee Cased a8. personas sompechoas “Cuspects), 9 term nce that time has been used in the Philippine Islands to Gesignate any person who refused to servilely obey the Wishes and whims of the authorities. ‘The conservative Glement in the islands now directed the governmental policy, ard the educated Filipinos fe more and more Snder the dlsplessure and suspicion of he governor 1 peace of the colon vatich, though nim origin of the ‘of that town and of the neighboring town of San Tres short while the dissatisfaction and discontent i z the government spread all over that section and entire oops became disaffected. COMER ‘Sin Feige a Core ate oe and other Sprnish officers In charge of i

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