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Appicability of Coal Ashes to be used for Stabilized Pavements Base

L. S. E. Lopes1, L. Szeliga2, M.D.T.Casagrande3 and L.M.G. Motta4

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Department of Civil
Engineering, Marquês de São Vicente Street, 225 – Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, PH
+55 (21) 3527-1188; FAX +55 (21) 3527-1195; email:;
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Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ/COPPE, Cidade
Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; PH +55 (21) 2562-7759; email:


The research consists in examining the applicability of two kinds of ash (fly
and bottom) of coal combustion residue from thermal power, on the layers of
pavements base road by mixing these ashes with a non-lateritic sandy-silty soil,
characteristic of the Rio de Janeiro state, with and without lime addiction. This study
presents the results of physical and chemistry characterization, and compression,
resilient modulus and permanent deformation, beyond environmental testing
solubilization and leaching. These tests were conducted on the pure soil, on the ashes
and on soil with fly ash and bottom ash mixtures, with and without lime addiction.
Mixtures with ash addiction initially showed a mechanical behavior consistent with
the requirements for low traffic roads. The results show that the soil is dependent on
confining pressure and the inclusion of fly ash and the mixture cure dramatically
increase the value of resilient modulus, on the other hand, the addiction of bottom
ashes in this type of soil has increased immediately the resilient modulus of the

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The pavement as an essential engineering structure for the socio-economy

development of a country, highlights the necessity of studies that seek the feasibility
of using new materials and technologies that enable the reduction of transport costs.
On the other hand, industrial development generates large amounts and diversity
of waste that requires suitable sites for disposal or reuse techniques. It is quite
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common, in countries with tropical climate that the soil found in the construction
place do not attend the technical requirements of the project. As a result of this
situation, the stabilization of soil with ashes from coal provides the application of
sustainable practices, such as reducing the volume of natural resources consumed, the
reuse of industrial waste, thus reducing your disposal on the environment, and also
reducing the costs of production floor.
In this context, this study aims to test the feasibility of the utilization of coal ashes
in soil mixtures with typical soil of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which in its natural
form is not suitable for use in flooring, and thereby fometing sustainable practices
applied to pavement construction.
The coal ashes used in this research are from Thermoelectric Complex Jorge
Lacerda, in the city of Capivari de Baixo, in the state Santa Catarina.


The coal ashes are derived from non-combustible components of coal, and
unburned particles due to incomplete combustion of pulverized coal, according to
Nardi (1975). These ashes can be manifested in different forms, such as bottom ash
and fly ash. Several factors may influence the physicochemical properties of the ash:
coal composition, degree of processing and grinding of the coal type, design and
operation of the boiler, extraction system and handling of the ashes.
The particles of bottom ashes have characteristics granular, with the majority of
the grains in the sand and silt fraction, are not plastic, not cohesive, and because of
that their cementitious properties, are known to be reduced when compared to fly ash,
that are considered artificial pozzolans. The description of artificial pozzolans is a
material or silico-aluminous silicate, which by itself has little or no cement, but in
finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react at room
temperature to form or assist in the formation of compounds with properties cement.
The fly ash is a residue of fine-grained, low density carried by the gas stream.
The reuse of the bottom ashes, actually, is less widespread when compared with
the fly ashes, consequently, the quantity of bottom ashes disposal in landfills and
tailing ponds is high.


In general, the pavements are engineering structures that are, to most of his life,
dynamic requests, unlike other engineering works that are required for static loads.

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Thus, the repeated loading triaxial test is one of the best ways to represent , in the
laboratory, the situation found at the roads.
Resilient Modulus (MR) is defined as ratio of applied axle deviator stress ( σ d ),
and axle recoverable strain ( ε r ), according to equation 1. (DNER ME 131/94,
AASHTO TP46-94 (1996)).
MR =
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In the repeated load triaxial tests, the amplitude and pulse time (load application)
depend on the vehicle speed and the depth in which are calculate the stresses and
strains influence, and the frequency represents the flow conditions, or volume of
The materials typically used in sub-bases and bases of pavements, such as soil
and gravel can not be considered linear elastic materials, so that the resilience of
these modulus depend mainly on the state of stresses, caused by the deadweight of
the structure and the tensions caused by loads of vehicles.



The soil used, in this research, is characteristic from the state of Rio de Janeiro,
coming from Campo Grande, classified as sandy-silty soil non-lateritic, as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sandy-Silty Soil non-lateritic

The bottom and fly ashes are from the burning coal of the Thermoelectric
Complex Jorge Lacerda, located in Capivari de Baixo, in Santa Catarina, Figure 2.
The lime used is classified as a hydrated calcite lime, the type CH-III.. The symbols
used in this study, describing the materials and mixtures, are presented in Table 1.

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Cinza Ash
de Fundo Fly Volante
Cinza Ash
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Figure 2. Bottom and Fly Ash

Table 1. Materials and Mixtures

Material/Mixture % Soil % BA % FA %L Símbolo
Soil 100 0 0 0 S
Bottom Ash 0 100 0 0 BA
Fly Ash 0 0 100 0 FA
Mixture 1 70 27 0 3 S70/BA27/L3
Mixture 2 60 37 0 3 S60/BA37/L3
Mixture 3 90 0 7 3 S90/FA7/L3
Mixture 4 80 0 17 3 S80/FA17/L3
Mixture 5 70 30 0 0 S70/BA30
Mixture 6 60 40 0 0 S60/BA40
Mixture 7 90 0 10 0 S90/FA10
Mixture 8 80 0 20 0 S80/FA20


The physical characterization of materials and mixtures were made based on

the Atterberg limits (liquid limit (LL) and plasticity (LP)) performed according to the
NBR 6459/84 and 7180/84, respectively, and particle size analysis according to NBR
7181/84, soil, ashes and in mixtures.
The compaction test was conducted at the Modified Proctor energy, according
to NBR 7182/86, in order to determine the optimum moisture content for compaction
(wótm) and apparent maximum dry density (γdmáx) for mixtures of soil-ashes with
and without lime.
The chemistry composition of the semi-quantitative samples of ash and soil
was determined by the technique "fluorescence spectrometry X-ray Energy
Dispersive (EDX)." And the environmental testing of leaching and solubilization
were performed according to NBR 10004, NBR 10005 and NBR 10.006/2004 the
laboratory TASQ Analytical Services Ltda.
The Modulus Resilient tests was performed according to the method proposed
by COPPE / UFRJ, presented in Medina and Motta (2005), which were tested in four
different curing times (0,7, 28 and 90 days curing) to mixtures with the addition of
lime, and three different times of curing for the mixtures without the presence of lime
(0, 35 and 90 days). For the resilient modulus tests, the specimens were molded in the
condition of optimum moisture content.

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Physical Characterization

All the materials studied in this research (soil, ash, and in particular mixtures
with and without the addition of lime) were classified as non-plastic, with consistent
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results found by other research with the ashes of coal, also derived from the
Thermoelectric Complex Jorge Lacerda, for example, Ubaldo (2005) and Leandro
(2005). The values of grain density (Gs) are presented in Table 2, and the same as the
previous property, the values were very similar to those determined by other authors
for the same material. The results showed that by increasing the amount of ash is the
decrease in grain density for all materials in question.

Table 2. Specific Gravity of Grains

Specific Gravity of
Grains (Gs)
S 2.77
BA 1.98
FA 2.10
S70/BA27/L3 2.52
S60/BA37/L3 2.41
S90/FA17/L3 2.68
S80/FA7/L3 2.60
S70/BA30 2.44
S60/BA40 2.37
S90/FA10 2.63
S80/FA20 2.57

The particles size analysis and soil classification, of the Unified Soil
Classification (SUCS), all materials and mixtures studied are shown, and were related
to the class SM (silty sand), as showed in Figure 3.


SIEVES 200 100 60 40 30 20 10 8 4 3/8 3/4 1 1 1/2

100 0

90 10
80 20 S70/BA27/L3
70 30
Percent Retained
Porcentagem passant

40 S80/FA17/L3
50 50 FA
40 60

70 S90/FA10
30 S80/FA20
0,001 0,010 0,100 1,000 10,000 100,000

Size/diameter of Grains (mm)

Figure 3. Granulometric Curves

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Chemistry Characterization

In tests of chemical composition determined by the technique of "fluorescence

spectrometry X-ray Energy Dispersive (EDX)," favoring the occurrence of soil
stabilization, elements with a more significant percentage of materials in the chemical
composition were studied was SiO2 , Al 2 O3 , Fe2 O3 , as shown in Table 3, with the
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results of the mixtures in the presence of lime. Similar levels were determined by
Ubaldo (2005). Another beneficial feature of the implementation of soil stabilization,
and analyzed the test chemical, was the low percentage of organic matter in the
mixture, about 1.00%.

Table 3. Chemistry Compound of Mixtures with Lime

Parameters S70/BA27/L3 S60/BA37/L3 S90/FA7/L3 S80/FA17/L3
Silica 35,397 38,469 41,159 44,068
Alumina 26,391 28,741 29,261 31,548
Hematite 6,899 7,420 8,477 7,572
Calcium Oxide 4,993 8,869 11,795 7,923
Potassium Oxide 3,233 3,101 3,610 3,728
Magnesium Oxide 1,792 2,469 3,329 2,875
Titanium Dioxide 1,341 1,522 1,837 1,630
Vanadium Pentoxide 0,171 0,089 0,106 0,180
Manganese Oxide 0,095 0,096 0,111 0,113
Zirconium Dioxide 0,069 0,086 0,058 0,055
Strontium Oxide 0,032 0,040 0,045 0,040
Silver Oxide 0,030 - - -
Zinc Oxide 0,020 0,028 0,026 0,050
Ittrium Trioxide 0,015 0,020 0,016 0,018
Carbon Dioxide 19,520 9,023 0,010 0,010
Paladium Oxide - 0,028 - -
Sulphuric Anhydride - 0,16 0,191

The results of environmental tests of solubility and leaching, performed by the

laboratory TASQ Analytical Services Ltd., the bottom ash classified as belonging to
Class II B - not inert waste, which was conducive to waste and the reuse of fly ash,
Class II A – inert waste, for having presented the solubilization assay, concentrations
slightly higher than those permitted by the standard, Aluminum, fluoride and total

Mechanical Characterization

In compression testes, was not possible to determine a well-defined point of

optimum moisture content (OMC) and dry density for the mixtures with bottom ash,
unlike the results obtained for the fly ash with the compression curve with points of
optimum moisture content and dry apparent density maximum dry further defined.
The behavior obtained for the bottom ash is justified by the complex porous structure

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of the constituent particles, as Leandro (2005). The compression curves for mixtures
with the presence of lime, soil and ash are individually presented in Figures 4 and 5.
Specific maximum dry density(g/cm3)


Specific maximum dry density(g/cm3)

1,9 1,9
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1,8 S 1,8 S

1,7 BA
1,7 FA

1,6 1,6
1,5 1,5

1,4 1,4
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Moisture (%) Moisture (%)

Figure 4. Compaction Curves

a) Soil, bottom ashes and mixtures. b) Soil, Fly ashes and Mixtures.

As expected for granular materials, the prevalence of confining stress on the

values of resilient modulus was seen in the results presented for all studied mixtures
and pure soil. The results of the resilient modulus tests are presented in Figures 5 to
10 below, highlighting this relationship.

800 800
700 700
Resilient Modulus (MPa)

Resilient Modulus (MPa)

600 600
S70/BA27/L3 - 0 dias S60/BA37/L3 - 0 dias
500 500
S70/BA27/L3 - 7 dias S60/BA37/L3 - 7 dias
400 400
S70/BA27/L3 - 28 dias S60/BA37/L3 - 28 dias
300 300
S70/BA27/L3 - 90 dias S60/BA37/L3 - 90 dias
200 200
Soil - 0 dias Soil - 0 dias
100 100
0 0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 0,05 0,1 0,15
Confining Stress (MPa) Confing Stress (MPa)

Figure 5. Influence of Cure a) Soil and S70/BA27/L3 b) Soil and S60/BA37/L3

800 800
Resilient Modulus (MPa)

700 700
Resilient Modulus (MPa)

600 600
S90/FA7/L3 - 0 d S80/FA17/L3 - 0 d
500 500
S90/FA7/L3 - 7 d S80/FA17/L3 - 7 d
400 400
S90/FA7/L3 - 28 d S80/FA17/L3 - 28 d
300 300
S90/FA7/L3 - 90 d S80/FA17/L3 - 90 d
200 200
Soil - 0 d Solo Puro
100 100
0 0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 0,05 0,1 0,15
Confing Stress (MPa) Confing Stress (MPa)

Figure 6. Influence of Cure a) Soil and S90/FA7/L3 b) Soil and S80/BFA17/L3

The influence of curing time for the mixtures with the presence of lime was
very relevant, given the significant increase in resilient modulus values in both
mixtures with bottom ash and with fly ash, in the presence of lime. However, for
mixtures only with the addition of ash – without lime - these gains have not been
verified, and mixtures S70/BA30 S60/BA40 and presented small increase in their
stiffness instantaneously, in the test with 0 days of curing, compaction immediately of
the specimens and the subsequent trials, maintain a list of similar stiffness. It blends

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and S90/FA10, S80/FA20, the relationship between resilient modulus and confining
stress were maintained for all curing times and analyzed with values very similar to
those presented by pure soil. Such behavior demonstrates that with the addition of
lime, chemical reactions, such as pozzolanic reactions, which provide the
stabilization of soil, are processed. And in the case, the bottom ash without the
addition of lime, the behavior exhibited - stiffness gain immediately, even without the
addition of lime - can be attributed to the stabilization of soil particle size, with the
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addition of large amounts of bottom ash to the soil.

As to the influence of ash contents used, we could not make any definitive
analysis, since both mixtures in the presence of lime or without lime, the behaviors
between the two different levels of bottom ash and fly ash were quite similar, as
shown in Figures 7 and 8. (The results presented in these figures are with 90 days of

800 800
700 700

Resilient Modulus (MPa)

Resilient M odulus (M Pa)

600 600
500 500
S70/BA27/L3 - 90 d S70/BA30- 90 d
400 400
S60/BA37/L3 - 90 d S60/BA40 - 90 d
300 300
Soil - 0 d Soil- 0 d
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 0,05 0,1 0,15
Confing Stress (MPa) Confing Stress (MPa)

Figure 7. Influence of Type and Content of Ash

a) S70/BA27/L3 X S60/BA37/L3 b) S70/BA30 X S60/BA40

800 800
700 700
Resilient Modulus (MPa)

Resilient M odulus (M P a)

600 600
500 500
S90/FA7/L3 - 90 d S90/FA10- 90 d
400 400
S80/FA17/L3 - 90 d S80/FA20 - 90 d
300 300
Soil - 0 d Soil - 0 d
200 200
100 100
0 0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 0,05 0,1 0,15
Confining Stress (MPa) Confining Stress (MPa)

Figure 8. Influence of Type and Content of Ash

a) S90/FA7/L3 X S80/FA17/L3 b) S90/FA10 X S80/FA20

And finally about the influence of lime, in Figures 9 and 10, is possible to see
that the mixtures with the presence of lime shows superior behavior without the
addition of lime, as in the case of mixtures with lime occur both chemical
stabilization and stabilizing the granules, and mixtures without lime, have only the
participation of the particle size stabilization, immediate compression.

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700 700
600 600

Resilient M odulus (M P a)
500 500

400 S70/BA27/L3 - 90 d 400 S60/BA37/L3 - 90 d

300 S70/BA30 - 90 d 300 S60/BA40 - 90 d
Soil - 0 d 200 Soil - 0 d
100 100

0 0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 0,05 0,1 0,15

Confining Stress (MPa) Confining Stress (MPa)

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Figure 9. Influence of Lime

a) S70/BA27/L3 X S70/BA30 b) S60/BA37/L3 X S60/BA40

900 700

Resilient Modulus (M Pa)

Resilient m odulus (MPa)

500 S90/FA7/C3 - 90 d 400 S80/FA17/L3 - 90 d
400 S90/FA10 - 90 d 300 S80/FA20 - 90 d
300 Soil - 0 d Soil - 0 d
100 100
0 0
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 0,05 0,1 0,15
Confining Stress (MPa) Confining Stress (MPa)

Figure 10. Influence of Lime

a) S90/FA7/L3 X S90/FA10 b) S80/FA17/L3 X S80/FA40


The mixtures studied, with or without the addition of lime, with the presence
of bottom and fly ash, had mechanical behavior compatible with the requirements of
pavement with low traffic volume. And based on all the results proved that the reuse
of bottom ash as stabilizing agents and mobile soil is workable for the contents and
type of soil analyzed, since in all cases studied the mechanical behavior presented
was superior to pure soil.

The main factors influencing the mechanical behavior of the mixtures studied,
are the curing time and the presence of lime, as between the levels of ash, bottom and
wheels, was not possible to determine an "optimum level" of ash to the soil in
question. Based on the results was also possible to perceive the existence of soil
stabilization original particle size (mechanics) and chemistry, comparing the behavior
of mixtures with and without the addition of lime, which highlights that the bottom
ash than in the same proportions smaller than the fly ash, can also function as
additives to the ground, bringing gains in strength and stiffness.

It should be noted that environmental tests were performed (dissolution and

leaching) in the ash, classifying them as non-hazardous waste and non-inert.
In an overview, the research highlighted the positive employment, especially of
bottom ash from coal - currently no other purposes of reuse in practice, for use in
base layers of road pavement, eliminating current problems of waste disposal basins
ponds, putting an end to this most noble material.

Further details of these results can be obtained in Lopes (2011).

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American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1994)

AASHTO TP46-94 - Standard Test Method for Determining the Resilient Modulus of
Soils and Aggregate Materials, Washington, D.C.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2008)
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AASHTO C 618 - Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash an Raw Calcined Natural
Pozzolan for use in Concrete, Washington, D.C.
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (1984) - NBR 6459/84 - Determinação do
Limite de Liquidez.
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (1984) - NBR 7180/84 - Determinação do
Limite de Plasticidade.
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (1984) - NBR 7181/84 - Análise
Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (1984) - NBR 7182/86 - Ensaio de
DNER Departamento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem. (1984) DNER-ME 131/94.
Solos – Determinação do Módulo de Resiliência. Norma Rodoviária, Método de
Leandro, R.P. (2005) Estudo Laboratorial acerca da possibilidade de aproveitamento
da cinza pesada de termelétrica em base e sub-base de pavimentos flexíveis. Master,
São Carlos School of Engeneering, São Paulo University, São Carlos.
Lopes, L. S.E. (2011) Análise do Comportamento Mecânico e Ambiental de Misturas
Solo-Cinzas de Carvão Mineral para Camadas de Base de Pavimentos, Master, Civil
Engeneering Department PUC-Rio.
Medina, J., Motta, L. M. G. (2005) Mecânica dos Pavimentos. 2ª Edition. Publisher
UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. 570 p.
Ubaldo, M.O. (2005) Uso de Cinzas de Carvão da Composição de uma cobertura de
rejeitos de mineração. Master, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.

GeoCongress 2012

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