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I live in Dharavi which is the biggest slum area in the world.

My dad works in a manufacturing

company and hardly earns 10000 Indian rupees per month. My dad can hardly afford my living and
he has no scope to save money since 10000 isn't enough for paying rent, electricity bills, water bills,
medical bills, and enough groceries. Also, he cannot afford to pay my college fees and my daily
expenses. To support my family financially I work in a small Factory as a trainee part-timer.

I'm want to apply for financial aid because I'm struggling to get at least a normal lifestyle. currently,
my family is just able to survive.

So i humbly requent you to help me with financial assistance so that im able to learn this course with
whatever money i have.

I want to support my dad and my family by learning a good level of knowledge and earning a better
position in a good company.

It is only possible if my profile outstands others, by which my possibility of getting selected increases.

To outstand others I require good level of knowledge with the proof of that knowledge, that is
Verified Certificate. By getting a proven certificate from Coursera my profile will definitely improve
and a small help of financial assistance will push me to achieve higher goals in my career.

Hence a Verified Certificate will be a Game changer for my career.

I hope you consider my humble request and take the needful decision to help a poor child like me.

Thanking you


My family incone is less than 10000 Indian rupees per month.

My family is hardly able to survive in todays harsh world.

for more details please look for the answer given by me in the above section.

Thanking you

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