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We all have goals.

Each one of us wants to gain some thing, whether outstanding or small, sooner or
later in our lives. We have deep-seated hopes and goals for the destiny and a burning desire to
accomplish some incredible feats. It's stitched into the very fabric of our society. It's present in our DNA,
genetically pre-dispositioned, not only for mere survival, but also with a passion to thrive. In fact, it's
part of what is made us as a way of life into who we are. Life is all approximately choices, what do you
need to consume, which college to attend? These alternatives shape and create who we are. However, as
vital as alternatives are they do not guide us. The desires we set for ourselves are our guides. As for me,
where I see myself ten years down the line isn't always something I often think about however
something that many other people tend to ask. In past, when someone asked me where do you see
yourself five years from now, I was not specific with my answer. This made me realize that I wasn’t
decisive with my goals. I repeated this question in my mind several times. I have come to a simple
conclusion. In upcoming years, I see myself satisfied with the work I am doing. Having grown up in a
business oriented own family, I will truly want to make the maximum of my years to position all my
attempt to emerge as what I always aspired to be, a successful business woman. Setting goals is easy but
achieving isn’t for that I have to be focused on my strategies to achieve my objectives for sure.

The cycle of learning and mastering never stops. Ten years down the line, I see myself gaining knowledge
in a couple of fields. There is enough to study for me, this is what I believe in. If I am able to master
diverse duties, I may be able to use my knowledge in more than one manner. This technique of studying
can encourage me to work with new ability. When we start any new journey, we imagine a smooth sail.
We believe everything will be easy, smooth and go according to plan. I am an optimist by nature, so I
confess, I often fall for this trap. Which is how I finally embraced the fact that the journey may not be a
straight line, clean and smooth. You do not have to be worthy of your goal or dream, your goal or dream
must be worthy of your life (Nara Lee) because when you face obstacles and challenges on your path, you
ought to discover the power, drive and motivation to keep going. And any goal worthy of achieving, takes
time, commitment, persistence and hard work. Having grown up in a business oriented family, I have
always been motivated to do the same. With all the knowledge, experience and exploration I want to see
myself as a successful business woman, I would want to be recognised as an expert in this sector. My
family owns and runs a travel agency and my dad surely want me to look after if after couple of years
after I finish all my education. This is an advantage for me as I don’t have to worry about my future, I will
have a business to look over which would be quite comfortable for me but would possibly limit my
development and growth as I would be inside my comfort zone. So later in future I would want to start
up my own business. I would rather take my family business as an alternative. I have Hong Kong id so
having that advantage, I see myself doing a business there later in future considering how quick
businesses are evolving there. I along with my brother have always thought on opening a restaurant
there in HK. Later in future when I get into business I should have a mind-set that my journey may not be
a straight line, it means that I will be met with opposition, challenges and obstacles on the way to my goal.
If I am not mentally prepared for them, these are enough to take me off course or stop you and make me
quit. So, before I start, I would prepare myself mentally to meet obstacles, and to find the means and
resources to overcome them. Make a list in advance of all the potential roadblocks I think I will or can
encounter. Then make a contingency plan for overcoming those. Of course, there are blows that I never
planned or even expected, and I will have to deal with those as they arise. Overall, the most important
thing, is to be mentally prepared, to face whatever opposition or challenges may come the way, and to be
committed to finding a solution and staying on courses no matter how long it takes, or how tough it gets,
you keep going, no matter what.

Currently, to gain experience and explore more, I am working in an organisation in Nepal itself. I have
also recently worked in an organisation (Digital Marketing) as an intern from which I have gained a lot of
practical knowledge and experience. I have observed the qualities and traits of a leader, importance of
business environment and work place, I have developed more communication skills and many more. The
main perspective for me working in different organization is to actually experience different fields and
learn from failures, different background of people that I meet on a daily basis and to overcome all the
hurdles that might arise. I believe that this is the time to learn what actual global absolutely looks like,
figure out my internal power and weaknesses before I jump straight away to start off my own enterprise.
After I complete my BBA, I am planning to do my masters abroad because I believe studying abroad is the
best option for my post-graduate and I will try to grapple with more jobs that excite me in future for
more practical knowledge and experience.

One of my short-term goals relates to one of my dreams, visiting Japan. I have always been attracted by
this culture: mysterious, magnetic, charming, and at the same time still unexplored. Not only is it a good
way to meet new people, but also a brilliant opportunity to learn more about the culture, traditions,
people and other peculiarities. When it comes to some long-term goals, I am convinced that the best
source of investment is knowledge as I have already mentioned above. That’s the reason why I’ve
decided to enrol in Chinese courses and study the language. Taking into account that the contemporary
world has been developing with enormous speed, Chinese language after English has penetrated many
countries. And as I have also mentioned above that I want to start a business in HK in future, I will need it
in my future work, I am determined that it will help me in the future immensely while meeting new
people. I would love to give back to the society in future as well. “What goes around comes around”, I
truly believe in this statement. Karma is real, what is give is what you get. My parents have always
engaged themselves in donations, helping and giving to needy people. It is always good to give to needy
people rather to spend more on oneself is what they have taught me. One should never just run after
money, it’s never enough for anyone rather one will find happiness in helping others with what you have.

The truth is, big goals take a long time to achieve. It doesn't happen overnight. And it often doesn't
happen within the timeframe that we set. But it does happen as long as we don't relent to failure. No
matter what you want out of life, you'll get there as long as you implement the right strategies at the
right time, and stick it out long enough to see things through. Simply thinking and creating a plan for
future isn’t enough. I should instil self-discipline. Self-discipline allows us to put our goal achievement on
cruise control. To the person who is disciplined, anything is possible. By instilling the right habits into life,
I can become self-disciplined. With the right set of habits in your life, anything is possible. I have a bad
habit of procrastination; I should work on eliminating it. Procrastination is the silent killer that keeps us
from achieving our goals. It stifles our progress and forces us to retreat into the clutches of comfort and
habit. Everyone knows that in order to achieve anything worthwhile, you have to stamp out
procrastination. Similarly, failure is by far one of the surest pathways to success. And, some of
the world's most famous people have failed many times. The difference between them and the next
person is that they didn't give up. I should learn to welcome failure, accept it. understand it and learn
from it. (Henry Ford) Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

I do set clear targets, and I am convinced that whatever happens, I will do my best to succeed.


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