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rage runs through your veins

your blinded mind doesn't think

you behave replicating

what they made you see

there seems to be no escape

we adapt without question

accepting once again

a pact full of aggression

an eye for an eye,

no one regrets

there are not many options

we must resist

the pact is made

no more aggression

the world full of hate

Never believe in changes

the flame is too high ... there is no limit for us

la rabia corre por tus venas

tu mente cegada no piensa

te comportas replicando

auquello que te hicieron ver

parece que no hay escapatoria

nos adaptamos sin cuestionar

aceptando una vez mas

un pacto lleno de agresion

un ojo por ojo,

nadie se arrepiente

no hay muchas opcciones

debemos resistir

el pacto esta hecho

no mas agresion

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