The Hidden Treasure From The Royal Cemetery of Ur Paraghap 2wei

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The hidden treasure from the royal cemetery of Ur

Angel Otalora


As the most complete burial context on Mesopotamian record found, was one of the most
remarkable study subjects for the archaeologist, to begin as a complex graveyard that contains all
the treasures of the king, that not only contain all the jewels, weapons and other material
possessions, but also contains the rests of the favorites of the king, all the favorites servants,
warriors, concubines and priests/priestesses who were beloved for the king, this at the beginning
of the discovery of the graveyard was impressive to find a lot of human remains which meaning
was hard to understand the large number of human remains on the tomb, but the answer couldn’t
be respond after the archaeologist take the Epic of Gilgamesh as the most concrete source for
understand the context of the burial, after read the epic, the archaeologist realize the reason of
the human remains on the Royal Cemetery of Ur, at the end of the life of Gilgamesh, the legendary
king of Uruk , after he accept his mortality as his fate, he decide to commit suicide with his most
beloved servants, warriors and priestesses, and being buried with all his most valuable treasures
and possessions, became a type of cemetery that would be related with some of the most
powerful rulers of certain civilizations , that occasionally will appear on other places like Egypt or
in China with the tomb of Qui Shi Huang, the first emperor of China and his unifier.

At the end this context might have a hidden context of a certain power related with the royalty
that could last after the dead of the monarch, that somehow could manifest the authority of the
monarch and preserve some of the legacy of his history

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