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1.-What is domestic violence?

Lack of respect between family members.

2.-who can experience domestic violence?

Any family member

3.-why do victims sometimes return to or stay with the abusers?

Because they have nowhere to go, and because they have nowhere to go

4.-is it possible for abusers to change?

Not because they need professional help.

5.-what can i do if i am in a situation of domestic violence?

Go with a professional.

6.-can men experience domestic violence?


7.-does domestic violence happen in gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender relationships?


8.-is domestic violence a particular problem in mexico?

No, it occurs all over the world.

9.-how can i support a neighbor or a family member who is experiencing domestic violence?

Anonymously denouncing.

10.-write a list of 5 reasons for an abuser to commit domestic violence!

- Machismo, arrogant, alcoholism, drug addiction and lack of values.

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