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According to mash able, the average selling price for a case is $25-40, and with apple

slated to sell approximately 58 million iPhone devices a year, millions in revenue will be
made from iPhone cases alone. Whether it’s a certain color, pattern, or shape, people
tend to find cases that suit their personality. But some of these cases are just downright
strange. From ears and hands to breasts and fake food, people are taking customization
to a whole new level. If you’re interested in becoming the proud owner of one of these,
be prepared for some strange looks. Answer true or false to the following statements:

1.-apple sells and average of 5 million iPhone devices per month. T. F. F

2.-the prices on an apple iPhone case is very reasonable. T. F. T

3.-all apple cases are very strange. T. F. F

4.- apple makes a lot of money by selling cases. T. F. T

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