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What are coronaviruses?

They are a family of viruses characterized by having crown-shaped spikes or spikes

on its surface. They are common in different species of animals, including camels, cats and bats.

On rare occasions, coronaviruses that infect animals can evolve and infect humans, such as
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) first identified in China in December 2019


The virus is transmitted from one infected person to another through.

saliva droplets expelled when coughing and sneezing, touching or shaking hands or touching a
contaminated object or surface.


In the presence of symptoms and contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or recent trip to
China, go to medical assessment..

 Cough or sneeze
 Fever
 Difficulty to breath
 Headache
 Sore throat


 Wash your hands frequently

 Use disinfectant based alcohol with concentration between 60% and 80%.
 Cubrir nariz y boca al estornudar o toser.
 Avoid shaking hands, kiss and / or hug.
 Disinfect surfaces
 frequent contact with
 chlorinated solution
 Use mouthguards only in case of presenting respiratory symptoms

My proposal so that people do not go out is: That they learn more about the Corona virus, that
they investigate and inform themselves.

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