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1."Tell me a little about yourself.


My name is Steven, I like soccer, I like to play video games. I'm sorry with high self-esteem and
sometimes I'm a little clown

2.What are your biggest weaknesses?"

lateness and sometimes a little lack of creativity

3.What are your biggest strengths?"

Always be positive and responsible.

4.Where do you see yourself in five years?"

I see myself working in a company like Volkswagen or Audi.

5.What do you consider to be your biggest personal achievement?

Being about to finish a professional career.

6.Tell me about the last time someone got angry with you. What happened?"

The last time someone got mad at me was my mother, she scolded me for having been drunk
until the other day at night

7.Describe your dream job

My dream job would be as a manager in a major company in Mexico

8.Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in the last six months."

The most difficult decision I have made in six months has been to continue studying the same
or study something else

9.Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision. What did you do?"

When I decided not to go to high school at Volkswagen

10.Tell me how you think other people would describe you."

as a person who has a very high self-esteem, but who at the same time can be the most
antisocial person when he does not know people.

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