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PEMALA ACUERDO MINISTERIAL NUMERO 264-2019 Guatemala U1 de octubre de 2019 EL MINISTRO DE AMBIENTE Y RECURSOS NATURALES CONSIDERANDO Que la Constitucién Politica de la Repiblica de Guatemala, establece en su artfculo 97 que, "Bl Estado, las palidades y los habitantes del territori nacional estén obligados a propiciat el desarrollo social, econémico y tecnolégico que prevenga la contaminacién de! ambiente y mantenga el equilibrio ecoldgico. Se dictarn todas las normas necesarias para garantizar que la utilizacién y el aprovechamiento de la fauna, de la flora, della tierra y del agua, se realicen racionalmente, evitando su depredacién”. CONSIDERANDO Que el Decreto mimero 68-86 del Congreso de la Repiblica de Guatemala, Ley de Proteccidn y Mejoramiento Gel Medio Ambiente, en su artfculo 8 establece que: Para todo proyecto, obra, industria © cualquier otra actividad que por sus caracteristicas pueda producir deterioro a los recursos naturales renovables 0 no, al ambiente, 0 introducir modificaciones nocivas 0 notorias al paisaje y a los recursos culturales del patrimonio nacional, serf necesario previamente a su desarrollo un estudio de evaluacién del impacto ambiental, realizado por técnicos en la materia y aprobado por el Ministerio cle Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. CONSIDERANDO Que para la correcta aplicacién del articulo 8 de la Ley de Proteccién y Mejoramiento del Medio Ambiente, Decreto nimera 68-86 del Congreso de Ia Repiiblica de Guatemala, se requiere ademés del Reglamento de Byaluacién, Control y Seguimiento Ambiental, la utilizacién complementaria de un instrumento que permita a la autoridad ambiental, por sus respectivas caracteristicas, enumerar y categorizar los proyectos, obras, industrias o actividades, como de alto, moderado y bajo impacto ambiental potencial, CONSIDERANDO Que es necesario actualizar los criterias de evaluacién ambiental con la realidad actual del pals, armonizando las necesidades de la poblacién con el uso adecuado y racional de los recursos naturales y la sostenibilidad de Jos ecosistemas, promoviendo acciones que integren a todos los sectores sociales a un sistema de evaluaci6n, control y seguimiento ambfental, prictico, eficiente y funcional, que tenga como precepto la proteccién ambiental y el desarrollo del pats 7 Avenida 03-67. ona 13 - PBX: 2429-0500 inom ANISTENO DE i ‘VHECHIRSS NATURALS POR TANTO Con furdamento en lo considerado y en ejercicio de las funciones que establecen los artfculos, 194 de la Constitucién Politica de Ja Reptiblica de Guatemala; 27 de la Ley del Organismo Ejecutivo, Decreto nfimera 4114-97 del Congreso de la Repiiblica de Guatemala; y, § del Acuerdo Gubernativo mimero 50-2015, Reglamento Orgénico Interno del Ministerio de Anabiente y Recursos Naturales, ACUERDA Las siguientes, reformas al Listado Taxativo de Proyectos, Obras, ndustrias o Actividades Articulo 4, Se reforma e] Articulo 1,, del Acuerdo Ministerial nfimero 204-2019 de fecha de seis (6) agosto del aio dos mil diecinueve (2019), del Ministro de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, el cual queda de la siguiente manera: "Articulo 1. Se emite el Listado Taxativo de Proyectos, Obras, Industrias 0 Actividades, con la finalidad de crear la base técnico-descriptiva para categorizar los instrumentos ambientales predictivos y/o correctivos, los cuales se detallan a continuacién: SECTOR 01. AGRICOLA SECTOR 01. AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR A. MONOCULTIVOS ee regen] vse cere | cam | mae ox | eeowomica (oxy) cane wracto | mena | OU | a Sea ‘ia [wax ames Sere, [viata] ime | om | aac peaion naan naan Gieey mpea ae, fe a [Cana can we taaranios date Galas REGEN WOW Ce de As, wena ec «lgey” [emtgiminy | ommats | wean | ox ai ee ee 7 ' rates, fOSeoae A soo eee __ « aapanem | gamarterar | fa | sae | aoe ee ee (BREET Jemeee [et [ue fom | aw ead Sinton | cms re 1 Avenica 03-67 zona 13 » PBX: 242-0500 Ame een] 7 JATEMAL ‘MINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE ‘YHECURSOS AATIALES "SECTOR 07, AGRIGOLA; SUBSECTOR. GRAND: Acrmea, epotox os} uaa De eanron aot ara care =F eccidncnteny | ocoonmcen [sates heage® | ema : oe | een settle | raen | orn ew | oma Somer ann sta = v0 sp froth treo | "aio FA fear erecta ote get Sema romeT | honey | 2 | ein dee rea | mete | ove eto | m0 SECTOR 01, AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR C. HORTALIZAS eres acrvonn racronve | unoxpoe ea: Sconren | or | eodGiitony | vesomrcon | aeseae | SuRABRE | cru + [Remi [eimeesermctin an [une [on | “io aoe vier | on cw vo | oe Efickoweatn veer | 003 ee | ow | om «| Yinnser ese) | Soe reece | ores oo} on mo | om CESELY | CET ie | PS Peres _| - Srenoweyee map Ee _ _t L SECTOR 01. AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR D. LEGUMINOSAS | cece, | wesonwartn | rpcronge | uymaDne | yyy |" ero et mace ee curaceern | tne rs | hana a : + SRS [acaeicee | ot. | te | en as ede shoe Sosy 7 Revenila O-07 gona 13 - PBX AR S00 Sees (oie ALA GUATEM. : SEOTOR 01. AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR E, FRUTALES scan acronos | uwpan oe fore Soomren Sear -pie | ccctay | osseneoen | ASTEGE| SMBSea™ | ems | © oe . ceaarn | Eaeeeit | to, | me | on . Sl” |S ce) ess | 208 wo | 2 2 | tipsennns vicina | at Star eae [Pas ute dota | eouenadagniatee | Jeue » [tay | Serin™ |e | sem | on ws [oss a | oa ‘cavodecims | Gane petieiny | Awad | fae ii a [Reems [mesa | i | ten | ons ws | os coupes [or oo T[ewmoon [Sema | shasta | oman | om sail ola cucecearar | Ase a 6 [omen | ete y| elem | oma | on rs ‘| foaay itl 7 [SREEE™ | seeonecane alae scat canna ia + [SMR | cones pean [ncuwe | onze au [aso | m0 > Smagamenainy | yearn | vote | one “< ww [om | _ [sence | eee | fe z= sepa pracy | Ase, sampmreciny | yadsain | ama | ove ww fos a | om ee | AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR F. PLANTAS 5 Y MEDICINALES acre xcror os | vunnooe “ee ear See tae nae ve | remy | omsermeow | Rinep® | etn | 04 a aa : a 1 a SerintsCerpearey | pets | tees | onze 6 2 [Seaton ‘Seccnada ge” setea | o120 os Smet, | getien P | 2 Avena 03-67 zona 13» PBX: 242.0500 BINT "Y RECURSEDS NAVURALES SECTOR 01. AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR G. ORNAMENTAL FAcrOR OE | ROAD DE ot ery ener fee | cay | sesonron | SaRGE) Op | cue . slime [Searaaey | AS.) ane [ono ne | SECTOR 01, AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR H. SEMILLAS ve ect} sesomroon | PAENEE] ME | cae 7 samaa” | see ; Secs |S | ete | om alas epemsaeme | hoe | as | ome eee cans | aeseert canis opnteentincVAGA ve en pet ocean ‘seep og eal | 4 See ebTbe | 01 |“Grcam cons opin vino WAG, Gabe tl avin ge nee fiona | ea ‘Seay me ‘rae naa, ete i mtsein drape Ae Sibencs a ese a ‘ence ° | Sens Peeeminnaa ee eee eH “som npn a ENG ake ek in de age Aoi ee SECTOROI. AGRIGOLA; SUBBECTORT, GULIVOS EN SISTEMAS ACROFORE: vscunoe! vumore omg | game | omen | cee | og Mo.) econOnica ienuy {ere ‘imPACTO wmepioa | St ba | ges aes sittin | seatee | oo ao} mm | om Sekai |e, | Me ee E a eroame= |ssacrote, 2 [earatien |e vse | BEE = | os Ei coe |_| ‘ if | SpeBesaa i » [ames cmmmezeanin | Agz8, | mates | ocr | woven nose pm AUNISTHANG DE ATOIERT Y RECHISOS NATURALS SECTOR 01. AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR J, HIDROPONIA | coSERMBAEny | oesomresn |rygronse | pee Teena | ren ae ee 7 eae : F | alee cmeanceiion | hon | gts | ore ~ ~__ SECTOR 01. AGRICOLA; SUBSECTOR K. ACTIVIDADES DE APOYO A LA AGRIGULTURA 1 | cSt} ssemnon |AroeRe] wumanee [ews] Ne etek = ecaal eee + [oes Ruta. |e | pee [oo ~o | ieee” loggeamace"| ome | im | om a ge alg vocas | 01 | P 2. PRODUGCION ANIMAL i EE ‘SEGTOR 02, PRODUCCION ANIMAL; SUBSECTOR A, BOVINOS Y BUFALINOS i actnAD Factor os | UtiDAD OE ong rnc) “ee ow aan wo | eccnbnuckicmy | PesoRPoOR LTEieAcio’ | “iasion | CMM ane a i « [eircom [Bsetetetty | caine re ” ‘Staab FEEL SECTOR 02, ICCION ANINAIL; SUBSECTOR B. OVINOS Y CAPRINOS cee sone raga upg cop | geome, | omen | cng | cage Nm) ecdiinenteny | ossonrcew | "Sireio"| Aetna | em E = eas" i ‘RECURSO NATURALS Sess ieee ce ined ome y cy Greets” | owt | usec | ae | oxo 50 | oto ze | om aon | oan ates seomoteeie | cane | uaa | wre en | 0 i C— ___ SECTOR 02, PRODUCCION ANIMAL; SUBSECTOR G. EQUINOS Acmnan ragror oe | ustoxo oe ope coe ~~ “ee ante mJ ecckdmentenn | Pesemvomn | imesgt) MesaRE | ews | 2 | [Seca [SARs | cme | sone [oe | ow os | os wm | om - | sfegeciney [See | mate | mame | oie | ow | oe | om Seca” | Seon orn SECTOR 02, PROBUGCION ANAL; SUBSECTOR D. ES as SECTOR 02, PRODUCCION ANIMAL; SUBSEGTORE, PORGINOS | calegerie Gatugorie ategosta Categorie | + Jew ewes cs | BRE ow eee 7 Reveal W-67 ona TF PBX: DADA GUATE Treo oT YaBU Aa LES | SECTOR 02. PRODUCCION ANIMAL; SUBSECTOR F. AVICOLA | cyto Fact ‘una oF erred Sone cel Pape ae 0) coowdurcareimy | —oesenreroe | EIT o | cepa | OM Es ; ee=* [gga [eae ae [ow [wa [ome aw foe ww Powe | ee a 7 [aawen™ —[Semcemeectn | Coa | mm | crs | smo nm | vena am | oan oo | ote lompome [eeceememmi Toes [nm [aw | mmm | oom om | om te [re one Sere : + | Saloanseaom | eee | Sat | ets | eae “ 2 om [om 7 faa [nomenon | omnae | amren | wre sa eae i a | om i . | He SECTOR 02, PRODUGCION ANIMAL; SUBSECTOR G. APICOLA, | fe raonoe| onnane ee a eocttty | oesonrean | "eeasgt] “Hemae® Joma | |e pea _| i oe [eee aa | 1 [giegeeres paces, ee ~ Semmaascl | f SECTOR G2, PRODUCCION ANIMAL; SUBSECTOR A. AGUIGULTURA Y PESGA Bez et —— see ace mom [sams | sere [mae [oem | | a gcditeuy | vesonroese | FESRGE) MEARE | ew reac ; : : | ~ = i | | vf faa Yeas | nme foe | es coe [errr | Mee - i J ’ Emconconrsensnn | 2" | tyetases | onze my Te mw | ow ~Y Avenida 13-67 zona 13 « PBX: GUATEMALA peste | ee aeseesy | MEgu’® | tectboae | ox 0 soe | oe Spee tp caspes | fe | ee | obser ae i cn tn de CORA painaiomina [esate | tna | tate | an = eoera lee Jeon | testone | o3z2 paicasseagn [Seamed | cape on ” Tas [seats enatnaoas | Catia Ebeeneraa | eat [oa | Se Pecans, [Posneoae ‘Seb [Eremeacnes | l = [on i SECTOR 03. SILVIGULTURA ‘SECTOR 03. SILVICULTURA; SUBSECTOR A. VIVERO! | | | | aowwono ragronoc| uyorooe fe ceed |e fecee tet | terete eect | ee ABB | orerwoon | Fasange] gga | ewe = i | fee mcH tenemos =[elepe| | i SEGTOR 05, SILVIGULTURA; SUBSECTOR B. BOSGUES DE PRODUCCION a coealaaae or or oe | | eoonomicayeny | — PEsemPcON —TTRiero: | Yanna | <4 te | terror [eereargemin | ton | test | om ea = | te : . | SECTOR 04. MINERAL | SECTOR 04. MINERAL; to enna usa ‘Caagerte oe, ener Catan gee | Sian | oescnwcon [arenes] wuaat | ons | = i | a ae a Sam See eemese| fm : fee facameaae® [om | Sees | w Bel aa ; eaaced GUATEMALA pag RUO DIE ANNI YY RECURSO NATURALS a dnraes | Eeteaainssteines | jryg |] iomaoe | gy i" elhce__| Sse : i «| terse fepertysuaerinny | hos | maar | gy ve tite, | Softer mon eames r emne | Cntcomar tons e fiat’ * [satan | ee | Migr | or ~ aan aig 7 jou foes | Sinaios | ” eanatn se « | Sei dow | spine | oy ~ ‘SECTOR 04, MINERAL; SUBSECTOR B. NO METALICOS Ne! econdmica (ny (Penorarcrie wAPACTO | MEDIDA, ua | eeeree il : Sees | am | stgese | oo = remem soot eo frecoses (rekarende ~ ‘euntvados | 0909 es Ssveetet i aa eect [gee |e 7 . ppgmteorme | ame | zeae | ce “ = z «5 | eran an extin} ar apesoey vetenior | gro a nn Shean, | Ae | Ss Steen aa fame | Sergi aeexnin | emmgsttanertat | vemay | vor cims | emo ~ ssn ‘fates ‘ooo pan ia a + [Saramencapae.|iscspaaistentiay | Aes | SOBRE | ee {pois fon | ptt matte 2 | rgrinaarmsn | Sasansiriscts | deo | awtor | onto a | os fey ect | ore i aw oar po | 1 [imcsemmas™ | Ptiteiceteee Thy [tue | no - ae re | jo ve [testy | eowsim arm | Aww | Boamie | ene a | 7 Avenida WG-67 zona 13 PBX: 2423-0500 EE Oe GUA ire tear ans PE [ALA een | tacrosearyan | jon | ewamse™ | eisweer | se oon os 13 |ateyeenean hee a 0 « na oom as Bie emmy ss | Scotia | IE ee Awa | Stomator | ona oa |e Danan bo “ he z 7 ® Ae com ws | 21 [estmainceoa |iuissed para” | vem *” ‘nr - 22 [esteincrnem pining | tenn oo | oe 23 | execatodovane, fine westnte”™" | vtanen | Matoeaaios | yup eso | oso fe z aos er if . SECTOR 04, MINERAL; SUBSECTOR C, RADIAGTIVOS ¥ TIERRAS RARAS _ for ‘racror os | vmoao 0€ eee ccanran aon oe cage % |ecaducnean | esonnaon | retro” | “eeuion™ | NM ae | cinta | Eerste nem | ‘ Semicon | tare | om ~ ome Ea : | 2 [rund arin | Egbeiinde minal [ugg | 1imates | gray so Sma eens : eects ae | sh Avenida Wiona TF-VER 2ST THANESTENTO DE ADVERT "PHECHRSOS MATICAL. ha SECTOR 08, HIBROCARBUROS; SUBSECTOR A, EXPLORACION Y EXPLOTAGION DE HIDROGARBUROS _ ect i farsa yas * aretha, _ ea, SECTOR 05. HIDROGARBUROS; SUBSECTOR B, COMERGIALIZAGION DE HIDROCARBUROS dont ean) * ee de i on 7 venidta 08-67 zona 13 PBX: 242.0500 MSISTERTO DE AMDIRNTE "YHBCURSOS NATL MALES Sted ia Ee cae 11 | Sti ite aie, | ame 4 eyaacince pra 1 | patio atlas, | ant ere | or ero | ose SECTOR 05, HIDROGARBUROS; SUBSEGTOR 6. TRANGPORTE DE HIDROCARBUROS | cocKSNEBay | vescnwoon | agranes| ewpapae | cma | OVE a = a 7 gees Sciam, | vee [a | ae : SECTOR 05. HIDROCARBUROS; SUBSECTOR D. BIOCOMBUSTIBLE | | | | | | | ferme ‘ggronse| uprno per eee | cement |lome | Ne] gconOMICA (cmUy rere wmpacto | MEDIDA | U4 ff ii | [ev =r lS « fepieerstt |owmscrieies | amin | ones, | sme ce | ie | 2 | erodes | nance aeaeacecon | vtmen | Siler | io tors | roe i 2 | Beet, Gammratmeince | voumen | asones | sess wet | se SECTORS ‘A. AGROINDUSTRIA a racrotge| prove ce, | coe 1 RR ® Tera vo | pe woe cee | one | Sacer” [Seema L ee Fae RTT rats Tues Ea ae > |e" reo | SEES | tow | Sicarintmens gga ahd Sesh ot 4 | oeeet Sittecer | 6 —Gapparcon tein i ol yo Scr Ca ce Ga SHA | 7 Fate GUATEMALA [Ais | nt Tewanern? | orgy z cipal = ; “ brclrrt aunen | trostens | ane «(Sen wee fore] a ‘ a1 | Beets |eccineommmt | crane am oa (see Yowmeanm | crate | ree | a aes nozien | jee SECTOR 06. INDUSTRIAL; SUBSEGTOR B. ALIMENTOS Spar tana fees ator cass vee) wer [ve [ae [ee [ae fe [i : Cocca | om | mez | ow ne Serena i Sse ees a | a ‘pbesmerncon depres) : it 2 | zona 13 PBX: 2423-0500 Saat EMALA nso DE ANTARICR 1 RECURSO NATURALS , [eet | ew ae aaa s [cepts |e | reo | Tate! | aoe eee pe 9 | Soe” | leno oe elem |rmeateeam, | rue | oti | +89) 80 * earch | pay | REE: | seo te | oe » | Seen pao | sets | 00 +9) te ® jon) ts. | ome oe w | on sass crates” | ree | Tete! Foe | ys “ sv ffmmeat lemmas | rue | Te | sn wo | eo om | ome 7 Avewivla 08-67 zona 13 ~ PBX: 2425-0600 GUATEMALA Tinie Be aT a fgeoamet marae [pos [mmmer | an nee i Some” REARREIE [ ree | ar | ee we femreite,, (Emmet | nae | tem | son ea erecta Eo ieee [eo oe eee | ne | mae fe [ me sateen | a ee = | samer™ | eeeeae i 1 oa ois a >| [owenoemmn [om | RE fom] | - teow = a : | w|i eso] Toman | son pea eee geen | it exteusin ae | tail tne o> | 20 | sso pperatn | TURE METS | yy | Teste) | sgqp a | os | = SECTOR 06. NNBUSTRIAL; SUBSECTOR eae EGEaCEREE i acta racrokot | UinaDbe cups Ceenrca fear aoe a cSt | oeomronn | EGE] Mypaay a eggs : se ee ee ea aa ae 1 |Ritnay [Bescon |" fH | lie | TEMALA, 4 | ean aeemayéconctn | payo | Temuusees | asp extoo | io tsa | 450 nomic, 7 Racatowe | pay = wre | om ao | a4 « eteactas,. (sige | vom | woven | 122 Saami a vom arpeaaiaygt nok ham 1 [saa Eames | Vat | antes | sor | ones acne = 1 EE ne | SETS | an | eres | om | cn so = = 18 | bebe ae votrnen | Liresidia | 1108 cm | vom sstouw | >se0c00 Be ‘OR 06. INDUSTRIAL SUBSECTOR D, PRODUCTOS TEXTILES ‘ eyes rpgrongs| wyota ne crea eee eeeeeeereae eerera ee (ore ve ay | oncrmcen | gsranRe pases | cave th Ten [cote | ne | oe | oe come [| eum mam | same ~ isto Gene mae [= “ f it 7 Avenida 09:67 zona 13 - PBX: 242305 GUATEMALA, «5 | Foeen ce Peso Regal | ae enum | > aso | 2000 PeSiaas = 5 | Renta te gg, | smpucslente canted | Penmaes | tate | oa 80 ea + | St, so | ane! | og ior | ea rece |e | TOs | Srna enae i aaa zi | » (Stent, |omeanatte ryan! |p Score ss [acter | SIRES | ao] Manes | ns a ase eet |e 12 [apse |stipomesindntyoc | puro | Mbammen! t syig bere rear —arcon | soto Eoraee ep dee ~~ Scrat ecm |e aie | cee ween | on | dwcoraci} = ~- | Secrw me [sme [geass we we | am | etonan [eters ‘engaes? ale | fattstm immerse | rm fm | sre se | en | en |e [RARER | rae) SOE! | a so | am now | sea 7 Avena 08-67 ona 13 PBX: 2423-0500 i ue 2 | Bey 2 | edule coda ony (shee suman aca ee SECTOR 06, INDUSTRIAL; SUBSECTOR E. CURTIDO Y ORO DE CUEROS 06, INDUSTRIAL; SUBSECTOR F, INDUSTRIA MAN 7 Avenida 03-67 zona 13 - PBX: 2423-0500 GUATE 305 NATURALS A ALA 2 | Eimear fectsspeenets emia | Porconae | 502 as > » |e ae ec a = ots rains emagencteset | aes | rene | oe = ele ; a oa oa | vem os caved ed = raaaart oad eee [ramen Leas | : ae Seca [Zener a co [eens " ed wv [oemeatnm oper gree | rae | Piatt | ae = oa | ote me’ [race [ieee |eserrreim | cates | am | om Patios » | eSee uw | menses | an on see ta |store |RSS etme | rose | TY | ore tora | ece -Faowienctn oe vi pein See i Ea rere ve (gees eee | mene | room | 7 eaeaal ee Siete Rami’ [pte [EERE | comes | meen [a ae = BRO SRR | eons | vane | a ee [ater | YP RECURSOS NATURALS | [sian cont | rw [an] : alias >. [Sessa Hess] Hessel e/a 2 es : = | acetate mii: | revs | seo =n | 90 ae ao Saleen camass | Porous | S200 =m | 200 olor, (SEIS | cna | ream | we on maw | 2 | teoinaeanes | Ere tacos hep. eat Gparanies | Enea i ‘ Ea | Soratecs "7 [vena Sagas | een roe as |miimaest | tila decipote | comiaa | rencoss | so <0 ooo | x [ipmtest mat npn ann fea | ate = | as | rummawse —|raticeina peat | coviio | reasons | m0 <0 no se | eae ven, | sac, mised | enone | avo | 5 aoe ae TY ven 18-67 nema 18> PAK DAR aa GUATEMALA ‘SECTOR 06, INDUSTRIAL; SUBSECTOR G. INDUSTRIA ELECTRONICA Y ELECTRODOMESTICA no] sochGititrawy | mesemecen | Fico) mn™ | One |i eae eer tad os ve JATEMALA Feca Feasts, | onion Ben [RES | sae | ore [on] oe © see EEE Kimaciaton | ecesany w alee wee een | cms | omen | le BL FRessoetasaco | Sigigee boon Bees, | cme | mem fae] =e : tC "SECTOR 06: INDUSTRIAL; SUBSECTOR L, PRODUCTOS DERIVADOS DE LA MINERIA | . ticle fae ieee eee eee coe eet Mo.) gochtiucntenny | mesemrcen | TSEO: | “ean | SH a Bea eee a | peer ie ' . i (BREE ERR | oe | see | males 7 Avenida 03-67 zona 13~ PBX: 2423-0600 SANSA DE AMEE YL ATSES NAVD RAL Fomaae | eesigorabe | a | # [Ei an [Simmemrel | cans | paoome | aon oxo | | « [epson [Setzerceea | vemnen | uarowce | rt 0 i seems | coms | ome fae] im | om Eemigeigceretcte | van | natn ats | ans “0 alae vvtmon | Hates ics | 2005 * H 2 [Samingsawan.|Secsaaponn | vounn | woes aties | 001 % 1 [Semeaiedoeses,|premacumatopeaess | vaunen | nates ses | 200 ~ ~~ ere — ape — - Fotenenaetn | mocses aie v |e ts cea wasn | wince | 229 » Ha Saas SECTOR 07. ENERGIA ____ SECTOR 07. ENERGIA; SUBSECTO NDEENERGIA cy170K0, ractonbe | uweapoe os ose Heart eT ec@woMicA omy serene! mapacro | ening | OU = ‘ eto | tegma | 630 alae | ow > aca | rwomat | sc a seo seam dose « [gopagaoes [Aan | ataa Paontnnme | arn | > ae oom | ners, Sai.” GUATEMALA 2 | Somers ‘nea | starastes | oro | ote ‘ronen eases ‘siawacer | rea. ia a | Sopeeomare os | ess, | ox ~6 ot 10 | caetres cee too | cttoe | iso on o SECTOR 08, TELECOMUNICACIONES; SUBSECTOR B, TELECOMUNICACIONES SUBMARINAS a] cccheMAPay | oescawcion | fagvorne| wen oe | cu4 © fe Lie ema emntld + | rege Levtad | atest | 19 ” ‘enna eee SECTOR 09. SERVICIOS He SECTOR 09, SERVICIOS; SUBSECTOR A. SERVICIOS GENERALES vo] gS} ocscmroen [rage | mmapoe | owe |e car | Hn " 1 Vieatraies | Sremes ynee | arn | Me | go aro | 1509 See | ete is ane isha pone aca L ma |[emecianen, » |Sotemims [lcm | cane | cme | ce | os we foe “= 4 [Sep pee | Seaeneewteaessen | gy | terme | a oo [ ce Fr "Reveninta W067 zona 15 = POR: AI G HERS SiO ATES - BEERS vo | ite, [am iaauead ae vfisee, [emma | oe | al, [mm alae 10 | than | mere we | citen, | som . eaieayace | Aamin eteten eae eet va [emmomarar [semeameee | | te, * Ser 5 effmasere [mormeis [ge [ae | se 7 fee a ve [See [Seem | haf ae | ee i = x = 16 | seven pes | Smo fo hs = ‘08 ” Setrcseapecans | else 7 roe | it, | ane os Ps Speen [anos ‘ai [Powurnes| wie S| peat | | Repileae [Snecma | vaaman | Memes | sre weve | otto a5 | steamcenes' | itmnsopmnss | onnc | easonns | e120 co | > 0 | oo seme 2 [esas je | it, | a0 ee “0 ‘Miss THD DE AMT VHECUISOS NATURALS wenden ‘Bogen ome rec Siete ‘yttcense | rox9 os ran gin on 7 cons | sane | 0 “ ” armas | Urns ce | yp) a” coe eee eat anteater eae ey = ae ‘ eT cra | vatinee | mo ae Time eee ee Sey peemeet | aeaet ssytee (Ete, | cea | me é paesertee |e cower Scene, 7 ee ease . 7 ea eee ae Seer ee (come | eeteereer 4 Se on | tty | aa = 1a | eoencenia, | Baton an hen | aise Touts | ot00 sano seen x00 | 4000 fsscanataaal| ere te | maces fect [ames eee ee ese 7 Aveuita 03-67 zona 13 ~ PBX: 2423-01500 MATA a Pn swe] ic, | ome ag as SSS ne reve | baoeearna™ So. =o ‘seas ve | Powe EE ca ‘Dries sciitates do. | Egress qus dedican A ees - oy [smmerertns |euemarsett" | ca | seni | oe » [ages we | ite | ou von a | SEEKS | tos | wie | ne = oleyevemw [Seeremiie | ame, | tae | ow 4 eer jt — 3 |Compodetoe | gegen een Volumen | Netosoibicos | 1220 | >te0 260 | >280 SECTOR 00, SERVIGIOS; SURSEGTOR, COMERGIO AL POR WENOR oa vrcvouve| nome cage | caine | conga | coggen | cmp Ne} gconomeareay | — PeBcRCON | ThingGrO | “Meomna™ | C4 4 [essen | sxpomercades eos eligi, | art ao | 2000 2500 | 2800 Senna aed feniae 2 Fesearraitscim, | ay | gato | xa | atom aaa | to a See, a |eemrn” lected | cues, | on os o | 7 Rivonia 08-67 zona 13 - PBK: 2103-0500 soi GUATMATA [ER recedes | te | tee, | oat | ono se | oso seretnden | Fad cer, ‘Senos incre te . koe | gimme. | aren | stan san | 2500 Sarin ee gee a «|Search ovo | toes | anos | ot00 soo | en Spon = Tisrencaenee maine | vo | pemeee TY | so doe toa | ME, | ease | 50 100 | sto Siro | eager sr = a art ws Sets Brice | tax | tate | arse | oso tn 09 elated | medals 42 [womace™™*? | deyertacelmenpresss | yyy | Motor | gre e100 | 1000 Breen | cil drt fees | soe | ae | tes, | ae seal oa | ‘ae peas [ose tw | cunt | ot oo [SEAS seer gs | tte | a eles i GUATEMALA, MINISTERNO DL: AGIENTE "YHBCLIRSOS NATURALER we fseecetie |e | comme | seme | or alia Soa [ce ee car | $2 os xcs | sya Ls is det canes apne a —- REx [Po Tanne cae" iuvanees Se SRE |e am | tee, | on = “ nl semrzenie,| ster” | dm | aes, | om | 1 penance” Yea SEGTOR 09. SERVICIOS; SUBSECTOR C. ALMACENAMIENTO, DEPOSITO Y BISTRIBUCION denvons exoronbe| ston oe cape | Safran | Sa Saar | ¥.) cootiinenten | Seserwown | GERaG | “ienaa™ | cals Ea a | + ecgesesetome Tey [cation | te BH =e | 7 | Amcsemtoy foanoseemanearme| pay | Tonemanet | aarp en - = Sa m 3 | Gosia vam | tmecrae | 20 se vm sy en | Gagan tele fe a [shy i 4 E i sae Seep | ou so fat ae Fe 7 | grscrosovos | Sere eae | ne | temas, | sno | uma oo a enti ; ea ean 2 | ogzammesy | pcos mminoaco | dee |i | sate e me {elaes tones ot ne | ‘tcp ° | ee clr ton | ite. | om : a co 1 Avenida 09-67 zona 13 - PBX: 2423.0600 Minti GUAT RISTO Di MALA 1 LNT YY HECUURSOS NATVRALES os | tee sommes | soe | cag, | aw | ow =o |e Sete | poorer oy SECTOR Ua, SERVIGIOS, SUBSECTORD. LABORATORIOS ae eC sae 2 * : 1 [ismerasen eseiseceae = | ga | oe | sw eee scanty eee a 4 a [peer [mma | ay “ > [igen [Geer | ae we | + eager [come we | hw a et : kon 7” «6 | owesrentiae | Weta doa | ten, | 20 ” jee [eesome. | e |e |r * rae to “ pepsin | en 2 fee estas || omens | omen | om " SECTOR 09, SERVICIOS; SUBSECTOR E. TALLERES (REPARACION, MANTENIMIENTO E INSTALACION BE : MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO) | cSEEKEy | oeemene /eenge| useage Jews | OE | ones | a * | Si oo fos | ica, | ones m0 san sfeeee” acmumes | om | oe |< en ot avterninoy | rebgeyceaono se pete EH ‘| aa) at Ee a [eeerince” | Sitrarcenwacte | Ame | ir, | a0 <0 oe 7 Avenida 03-67 zona 13 PBX: 2423-0500 NiNisTafo DEANE AIC IGDS NAILS 4 fon | Matos | a0 er 0 «|e uoroevea ronteas. | Ane | Maton | azo 0 0 « [iamegindn” | ypc aetatos | uy wares. | aazo , Pomerat’ | he on sewta | 09 ears ° Famers’ | sow | oe | as Stas fe Repeacin Pee FEE . sea eis | cmtiet | ewer | at Flee ele Satesoenay Someta ice ae i Sota Teeny Seo ae emeeaenco | Accum anes eps 1 Ee sme, | Roasera comnmad | Paso | a oo | 0 | 0 seer | amen a (eae ag Staten cates] cones | ramon | 1 aw |e © | 0 squint y equipo, | © PRESPES ime H He : Roparacion do final op vs [ese Grasset | casas | racine | an “ «ee cmt ™ en | ew | ow | Shoraces de wetol| Geeracores yore i Seoan unt | ener | eens | i | EE com | eet | oxen | si “ | tae ~NiteNo DEANE SDE na SECTOR 09, SERVICIOS; SUBSECTOR F. TRANSPORTE (INCLUYENDO INFRAESTRUCTURA) —_ Boot teat) | oer cceas eee ee clea Wo. | ecoNnGnacA (CaM) Lsoseatirad wpacro | mepion | C4 ela ta eats | | coo | omen [aw] os 7 | opts | Heeisimetee auneEE | vefisemmee mates | cman | gare | ae | Tronapola de 1H | = |. | a nam | oman fogs or og [osm | oe i fe | z serra eee af | 4 | memetiny | sapeseedenesen | comme | ere | son * | == | [Ege | econ | one | te | fi ‘Mtg TaWO DE NUE YY RECHNSCS NATURES ta | Pangea eas Ea Ra Tompson |Site nae | cana “0 ‘acu e ______ SECTOR 10. INFRAESTRUCTURA, CONSTRUCCION Y VIVIENDA Heal ___ SECTOR 10. INFRAESTRUCTURA, CONSTRUGGION Y VIVIENDA; SUBSECTOR A. INFRAESTRUGT | SE] orsomrcon [*gronce| omonnet [cay | ME Ea |e ‘ . sine | soe [mnt | aie | — on i , fear ants | aston | soe ” Ceranecinda | honor 0 i a |Ssaebint itz, | mea | eet | a _ euler | : Tir ae vn any seid ay [> [Seer [scone vanes [ara | ae [=| a © Peasse muti, toa | glee, | ceo * ww [ian |The jm | ates, | a Bile ae (sense [meme | am | uses, | a i [romeo | anes. “ vs |soammataw | ieceertoe, | tas | tee | ae 7 ae Lee | om wmf ots + 2 | ow "7 Avenicla 03-67 zona 13 ~ PBX: 2423-0500 GUATEMATA aaa w [sence de ys |e 1 | sos fie alae eect | Tariana | as | andi ony eee <1 | > cnn 1 | ees ress he a hes a ‘hoes maton | ato. ” 14] Gorarvsaniw | rrommtasemsanacs. | doen | camvon | Ai a | | Sooners aon | lee, | 4 SECTOR 10. INFRAESTRUCTURA; CONSTRUCCION Y VIVIENDA; SUBSECTOR B. CONSTRUCCION Hea 40 racronoe | usoao oe eee Senren “we oe ear a] eoohacareny | PESCRPCION TREO" | isoioa | SM ae = + [eee vwtnee [uaecis | aia x [ 2 eeeetne a | comm [ects | are | ene oe oe aeons, rac if ee [eeeree i: pnecinan | de 2 | ere Seremeery | vermn | tcectie| ie | os o v0 om | 4000 ed _ elem [RES cin [umes | are [oe fear (nes | Saat _ : | © [eemaam |g eee re fm | 7 [Sarees Veongae etme | cantina | oom | 4100 = | «| Soumene as ala | = 7 Riven 03 7 won 13 PBX: 23-8500 sere z {CTOR 10, INFRAESTRUCTURA; CONSTRUGCION Y VI Sign ey ce Vn sets, at 22012 divwey MALA. Te CHRSOS NATURALS = 1 Yemen [SREB | owe |e | a |e eee cure |e aon | oe SECTOR 10, INFRAESTRUCTURA, CONSTRUCCION V VIVIENDA; SUBSECTOR D. ACTWVIDA REATIVAS af cca | omtonnoon [agg] Mypegae | oma] OWE” | cette | ; 7 Sloman | me | ee Pa : : Gos om | aise, Pan : : veeroom | om | te, fen | om | oe «| BBE [ancien 2 : ” Toms atitaans es | Paxcuas do ead i + [apes | Beeseam i : fa ome oP ae (secant | Ame | ten, | we | os ie [Sat OPER eacestniees | cat | ements | ont ~ Soeur as : Povquas siguscleicon, owe lites. | am | ot 0 [exeenescutis | sicnesetmton | den | Wl | ot SECTOR 40, INFRAESTRUCTURA; CONSTRUGCION ¥ VI SECTOR E, PROYECTOS DE INVERSION PUBLICA Acnoan racron ve | umoAo De = Seah = ore | ecdincttenn | mssenmeox | Somsioe | “epans | eM | ret [Ra aewomrcmmai | am | otic, | wm | oe | 2 [aiaingt” — | cant ccamcinde. | aoe | ise, | erie | oa : a oe ‘ ana | tee, | eno | 4 ie oe pa GUATEMALA TINISTERIO DE AMBIENTE "HBCURSOS NAVAL 1 [precesecsenian |saanonescon mes | fey | maics | aze0 4 ee as z ee ae | » |e on |e, aoe ea: 1 | ga sn | hrs amb do sow | >t ” een sei toa | ln 12 | neyo esr | pares we pas feos | hams, | azo | >t anon —T oan 1 aa 13 [grec | evmrmsmanery han | tie | ao | ot Satama : aes = 0 ss ose > i ve [reat ose aconecron | Ane | ohsty | em | > 10 [gnc |conatrarcntnsnia | hen | iti, | em [ot eon eles r ws [eget |uemomem | mm | lt | wm 7 [Sete | memomnie | ke | ie emf 10 | See an | mn tinocitie | ao | ois one | osm ie Soeeiey coanine | Secure te a | | aepteee Sonn | Etgetanttoene” | couse | own | a0 | > bis 12 | Sapa sco sings | 20 ” 2 |e ila if genome (Sucka am a 1 | aptrlioe | cin pnt % cara aa 7 Siemat | Sraceggeenae] “TY | 7 Po Gris Screrttoeageose | hea | Mee | to “10000 | >tom0 Sec, |e oli 7 Avenida 08-67 zona 13 PBX: 2425-0500 BET Ry Foe é Ss Crmets \ AillistRO -RECUISOS NATURALS SECTOR 11. SANEAMIENTO SECTOR 11. SANEAWIENTO; SUBSECTOR A. GESTION INTEGRAL, DE RESIDUOS Y DESECHOS SOLIDS COMUNES_| sn] eecgiaane. | orscarcon — fractonee| ompaore | our # cea e ‘* "e iepahieliny ee | mse | om | ce -—— | fuser se | rpsreae tae ea ay van | ao | SERERER.ZOR erst: ot Ota pet ip Rate kwh nie 2 Sauin ge iis ve des Contre de ey he plan pat nfo, sawmatanenantn yrs do be og ‘Sec pet on eos se a ss Hi el parla eb dy seia a Stare |Soenameyareter | curant | tilotge | ast a pages eevee Ov it Gis TE apes ot Dost pi and ae eon y Ov SIE. 6 [mearametnce —|cpotegeaian | Paso | romatare | so al cae ieee aE Tach ons se aoe aia ‘ etre am | tomate | peed |__fetonns!? |e Sg Tp in pa Wa A DT SO | 1 [Rsawmmrince [pecan ie estion | ome | ramen | m0 aie et | ea basen Sg Tp amen pa ee a Ry DT a [Sintinde — |rausdersard® | pas | annie | sat ow [ eo [ow soe ee sina | eg cto oe aac » Vanrctecns! | ieee em | Tomar | as om So ang Te ip anon pa an oa Ray Ona Si pec tes et a Tes RS po OG RIS OTE 1< |Srorsunstorae” |cbbatisy | fves | cuntrde | 3600 eee ere eee eee _| Betorecion ae “Gananpr ba TOR pecs dl Cpa pa lad dos edie y Owsncion BE ulster | raecveseara fm | tite | en nase, on Tv anna bapa pita a Roa Don’ cece sion anss | on ortinasce Siorcany | aeons | nea | tee, | ame . SECTOR 11. SANEAMIENTO; SUBSECTOR B. GESTION INTEGRAL DE RESIDUOS ¥ DESECHOS PELIGI Saar exugen | cvnie | cogn cage | cngoon sch OMA pescnecon | FACHORDE| UMIREDE | cay g ‘Spouses enact eeconaratwo Pepa arene Smongatmeeneem | | : Shes, ‘Sonmianndear so fatwa ‘nanny eae theloapa 2 eee eect ts " eae | pomn ro | emma | ace ~” Smee Sa | on iat cons | pasta en | tum | se ~ Sneleraivaes | ensan Giaemeie | eaesiccteion |) a | rss | ce oo Mines GUATEMALA isto DE SENT Suns sata SECTOR 11, SANEAWENTO; SUBSECTOR ©. GESTIO: (AS RESIDUALES Y DISPOSICION DE LOBOS AcTMACAD mon o= Scan oe “we aaa o.| peAGRRRAP yy | wesc monooe | eax acre cone | RS | : + [ipa [SEES mime | tem | ntete | en ‘ven ssn reromingy, | sem » rend. | evade Lengid_|ststat | m9 ~ fe | Rc Seer | Recetas onsen te _—_| sti ay os bins | © |assefecics | Staaearnwcopca | en” | fe | ” mee e Hee Bee 7 common, | Steekraamty hon « [Semaraenes,, | SEeceieratats | vamen | Metz® | ozo) wie | oe ‘saat [ aveatpormmcenig || aE > |i seman | Hog | : t= [seramconee | eam | seman | Manon | sioo eo] om | 0 ive were, SESE soap | app earlica eb ode i SANEAMI ; SUBSECTOR D. AGUA POTABLE Se eee = ie [we ee [ve | on fw |e Ye i GUntE ~ MINISTEWIO DF ANI "YHBCURSOS NAVURALES LALA ae > |e, vane | 752 | am * ces say | sn =o | | mate [loo [oem | om | cm = ae | | = [=| = ese [Sect [Semen | oaee [ra] am |e : fe SECTOR 12. SALUD | ‘Calageria categorie ategara Categoria Categorie | ovscrawe feastoune| omanoe | eae | cea e * | ed kod ae = = | > |zematene [maemets, | ee w[ *[RSHSE= _[owooiwan | enmee | oomw [ome | i: Sse cores ora ” al 7 Avvo 03-67 aoa 13 PBX: 2423-0500 GUATEMA\ AALA a = - . 1» [pees eer wewoea | areo ” [singel spmecnmncon | cartins | coms | e720 ” ee * Sommerer [emus | resus | osm * _ | az Secs [cama | ato | oat m 2 | iene ewntimayerartcne | canst | coms | e610
    | : Se fe “Unvesmenie con opi evaratte a COMAP. Feta [eer | comme | come | om = Es Ferecor y con ‘Trae an pin wee do COWAB— ase ons | ti canmnece oxo bad Paceeetat | = | ecm EE |iemcreseee | cma | ome [ow I = seu. | ne a a emrese|aecsecsaeas eee [eee ee | acces = a | ———— seem [iret | cane | cman | ss i jaeneata ‘por ed MAGA "Cunplr com fs ineamianins del Prctocao Inerinaibockeet pars ts Evehuacin do fs Ubloaciin, Colcadin y Bocerlect Tonio clot Attar snd Pacio Sates ‘SECTOR 13. ‘SIDAD; SUBSECTOR C. INVESTIGACION: sere ragros| supose tee fis orees a eeemenes (esate [eee EeONOMICA (CiUp Ceasacatanel tapacto | mena | OU Area Vectiwes | 9100, ial eH Pee onpeet ey cer em | owen | ome fom | GUATEMALA ost Eee epc SECTOR Td AREAS PROTEGIDAS; SUBSECTOR A ‘ANTENTMTENTO ete cme | camp escrreon ows Seecdccnc tins bo Pepeceeeh Sn |Bieeesnrente, | ken | Miler, | azo sem son | sso i ‘else Uniatee oe Sane — comasnce [sare Far ioe” joo | tain, | am seer som | ane at ona ema eae Ragan emer rat ee sna ‘Reread eps com | Me GUATEMAL Tats br Se YHBISOS ATES | fre |Earracc i ae | sees | arse | unas | soem | ams " Se Sse ee Sirceymee | See | aoe | Memes | to os as CCT ae a ae | een oye hoes 4100 00 coos eeeaaen ie SECTOR 14, AREAS PROTEGIOAS; SUBSECTOR B, PRESTACION DE SERVICI enone rgronoe | viene 7 eam | “a i reowsumayea | —PESeRPISN | Hiekor | “memo ORM | fe Seceemswes: [ponerse mente | cous | meanean | rw | 1 enti | GUATEMALA Tina De aT Eco at SEGTOR 14, AREAS PROTECIDAS, SUBSECTOR ©. MANEJO FORESTAL — en carps | carne | emp | cage | cen ve eablttnn | osemroun [taal omewee | omg] Oe Eat eit = ® foeeec. oi : power [isemtenene, | ae | TOR 14, AREAS PROTEGIDAS; SUBSECTOR D. APROVEGHAMIENTO SILVESTRE ‘ ee = vcsenrcon frscronoe| amoae Jeg) Semis | a * ; rstetntann | cons | camer | m0 : i frome SEERA | tas | ime | oo a ' | eee aeaea . SECTOR 14. AREAS PROTEC _rana provi 0 une aussie sev eon could anh ods OILS eo RSE URGE CUE COMPRENDEN EL GAP poe rezone | ago 6 ree eee cee coe NO) eCONOMIGA [oH oe wapacra | mepia | 4 fe “ ec femgemmse lemmseriece | unas | tes Jove | oom | some wan | oxar sme | me GUATEMALA inst vrocunses Nan ATs SECTOR 14. AREAS PROTEGIDAS, SUBSECTOR F. PORCINOS PARA PROPICIAA SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA Y EHPREN DINENTOS COMUNITARIOS, EN LAB UNOADES DE CONGERVACION QUE COMPRENDEN EL S1GAP Factor oe | uiwaan oe fete eames “ee ri eee ssowanton en | DeSemICION oe om foe fe mee [oe 1 |otommi, | Seu sien oe 9 | 0 ww | oan eee PaaS cane one | rain | ote os | somo | onta | Fetes cn detec SECTOR 44. AREAS PROTEGIDAS; SUBSECTO! (ORTALIZAS PARA PROPIOIAR SEGURIDAD ALINENTARIAY ENPRENDIIEHTOS COMUNITARIOS, EN LAS UNIDADES DE CONSERVACION QUE COMPRENDEN EL SIGAP somone, racroroe | usoao ne reat comrea | fer eae 0 noiMguatatery | mesenrenm | Eeeer | “Meaen | cmt umes tats | ME me FEIN | face + | fis cy |g | ttn | eaten | ais | sor 19 ven | om feea te r + — | 2 Sain | spaton | ove | 202 oo | oe | = faaaes MSS ea vies | on | soz 6 ao | om te hata | "ea ‘cuizocoreenas | sono weavtny | Keay 4 fimtentncey | Soe dmioes | strc | ites | ore ow vse | om : ebhds | tetiee | or eas | sas aco | sem 17 Avenida 08-67 zona 19 - PBX: 2473-0500 UATEMALA Articulo 2. Ratificacién. Se confirman y ratifican todas las demas disposiciones contenidas en el Acuerdo Ministerial objeto de reforma. Articulo 3. Vigencia. 81 presente Acuerdo Ministerial surte efectos inmediatamente y deber publicarse en el Diario de Centroamérica. comuniquese co Ministerio ¢e Ambianl y Recursos Natuiales: 7 Avenixla 03-67 zona 13 ~ PBX: 242340600

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