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Tyler Doral


Mrs. Gravel

2 May 2020

Reflective Essay

MMSTC is more than just an academic program. It has allowed me to create friendships

and habits that I will have for a lifetime. The best part of MMSTC was that the standard at there

was much higher than that of my homeschool. Instead of the teachers just being happy with us

passing all of our classes and graduating high school, they are more worried about you excelling

in each class and gaining skills to move into the next step into education, which for most of us is

college. The students that surround you in the program will push you to succeed and if you do

not try, they will push and nag until you do. Going into MMSTC, I did not know what to expect.

I even was planning on dropping out after my first semester if I did not enjoy it or make any

friends. However, after the first month, it was the complete opposite, I made tons of friends and

enjoyed every moment of it, even when factoring in all the all-nighters while doing homework

and projects last minute. One of my favorite parts of MMSTC was the college visit field trips. I

feel like the college visits should never get phased out, they gave me something to look forward

to after all my hard work in high school. Going into each college visit I would normally be

mentally drained with no motivation to study extra for the test or finish my homework on time.

After each college visit it gave me an otherworldly motivation boost and for at least the next few

weeks the teachers would be wondering why I was doing so abnormally good in their classes.

MMSTC will forever live with me even after I leave. I will try to push myself even if the people
around me do not, just because I know that is what my friends back at MMSTC would have

done. The standard at MMSTC will always allow me to look at the bigger picture and not worry

about just doing the bare minimum, but trying to go above and beyond to try to be successful at

the next level.

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