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A teenager came to hospital A on January 8, 2018 at 3:30 a.m., initials Ms. D is 19 years old
with complaints of shortness of breath, thick lips, and dizziness. From observations nurses
obtained vital signs as follows:

Heart Rate: 110x / minute

Blood Pressure: 130/90 mmHg

Respiration Rate: 26x / minute

Temperature: 36.7 ℃

The following is a scenario of nurse communication with patients

In hospital A comes a patient with his parents, the nurse then goes to the patient ....

Mother Patient: Ma'am ... Ma'am ... this is my child trying to check, tightly kept from last

Mr. Patient: Yes, sus, all of this, how come my child feels her lips thick and dizzy, she said.

Nurse 1: Oh, yes, calm down first, your child checked first.

Welcome the patient to sit down .....

Nurse 1: What's the main complaint?

Patient: hard to breathe sus (holding her chest)

Nurse 1: What kind of tightness is Miss?

Patient: It feels like you're on the chest, I'm tired when I want to catch my breath again

Nurse 1: Okay please Try to follow what I do, take a deep breath Ma'am, then exhale (while
practicing) how can you?

Patient: (take a deep breath)

Nurse 1: How is Miss, still tight? Has it decreased?

Patient: It's a little better sus.

Nurse 1: okay, I continue my question miss, If you may know before, what disease did you have

Patient: Maag sus (while still holding her chest)

Nurse 1: If the ulcer is relapsing again, what kind of medication do you take?

Mother patient: Usually I buy antaside sus, because it's just drinking it, the ulcer has subsided.

Nurse 1: Oh, how come you have a history of allergies or not?

Patient: Yes there is Ma'am, I'm allergic to shrimp and shrimps.

Nurse 1: What kind of allergic reaction does it cause?

Patient: Usually I cough and then tighten sus.

Mr. Patient: If she relapsed, she usually complained of pain (added)

(nurse 1 asks nurse 2 to help to measure patient vital signs)

Nurse 1:ma'am please check the patient's vital signs. I want to go to the laboratory first.

Nurse 2: okay ma'am.

Nurse 2: Yes, I checked your pulse, breathing and blood pressure first to find out more about
your condition.

Patient: Yes sus, please

After approximately 10 minutes of checking vital signs .....

Nurse 2: (Recording and reading the results of the examination) like this after I did the
examination, the data was obtained, the blood pressure is 130/90 mmHg, this is quite high, miss
because you are tight, for your pulse 110x / minute, your breathing frequency is 26x / minute and
your body temperature 36.7. The frequency of breathing and pulse are indeed above normal
considering the condition, Miss like this, for normal body temperature, Miss.

Patient: okay sus.

Nurse 2: As long as you are short, are all activities done by your disrupted and must be assisted
by other people, such as eating and bathing or maybe having a bowel movement and defecate ?
Patient: I can still do this myself.

Nurse 2: Oh well then, Miss, I beg for your cooperation, I will take a physical examination to
find out more about your condition.

Patient: okay sus (following the nurse's direction)

The nurse guides the patient to lie in bed and perform a physical examination, especially the face
and chest, remembering the patient's abnormal breath and slightly swollen lips some time later ...

Nurse 2: Miss, from the examination, if for example your entered the hospital, would you like?
The problem is that the reaction from allergy ma’am is quite serious (holding the patient's

Patient: Yes, I want , I also want to get well soon, I can't stand me with this kind of situation.

Nurse 2: ma'am. do you mind if your child has to be hospitalized?

Mr. Patient: okay Ma'am, we are willing, do the best for our children.

Mother Patient: Yes sus, take action as soon as possible so my child will recover quickly.

Nurse 2: If you are willing, you or your husband can take care of the files in the administdration

Patient: okay sus (out of the room)

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