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- to be time efficent
- every session last for one hour, with the possibility to make it longer after the goal is
founded (for difining clearly the next steps or for extra discussion about a personal
story, or solving some obstacles from the past that kept the subject not to acomplish
the goal before)
- it’s a coaching time (no judging, no gossip, it’s not just about advises)
- it’s based on feedback, both sides
-it’s about supporting each other
-making a friendship

Personal step ( first step)

1. What would need to happen for you to walk away feeling that this time was well
2. What’s great about your life this week?
3. What would you like to share about your life to help me know you better?
4. What is happening now? (what, where, when, who, how much, how often). Be
precise if possible. (Time for knowing each other better…story about their life, not
just the Erasmus student, both of them need to bound with each other)
5. If I could grant you a wish for this session, what would it be?
6. What do you want to achieve long term?
7. Is this what you want to be coached on or are you just sharing?
8. Does this story empower you or disempower you?
9. You ever tried to achieve this goal in the past?
10. How can you turn this around and have better results next time?
11. On a scale of 1 – 10 how honest have you been about this, with others?
12. Do you mind if I offer an observation?
13. Is this the problem or the solution?
14. How would you like it to be?
15. What’s in the way?(What’s stopping you?)
16. What does this mean to you?
17. Are you focused on what’s wrong or what’s right?
18. When do you want to achieve it by?
19. When precisely are you going to start and finish each action step?
20. Is that realistic?
21. Is that positive, challenging, attainable?
22. Will that be of real value to you?
23. How will you measure it?
24. This process is giving you energy or draining your energy?
*Additional exercises: life map (biggest achievements and some events in your life
that you think are failures); personality test (DISC)

Professional life (Second step)

1. How have you grown this week?
2. What makes life meaningful for you?
3. What activities feel most valuable to you?
4. What does success look like?
5. When is a time in your life when you were at your very best?
6. What's most significant to you about that time?
7. What makes this accomplishment so important to you?
8. What would you like to happen that is not happening now, or what would you
like not to happen that is happening now?
9. What outcome would you like from this session/discussion/interaction?
10. Can we do that in the time we have available? (6 weeks)
11. What do you want to achieve long term?
12. What do you need more clarity about?
13. What's your first step?
14. When will you get started?
15. When precisely are you going to start and finish each action step?
16. How will achieving this goal help you express your purpose?
17. What other reasons might there be that you haven't explored yet?
18. Are you ready to make this change or do you need to talk about it more?
19. What personal resistance do you have, if any, to taking these steps?
20. What will you do to eliminate these external and internal factors?
21. What you like about our meetings?
22. What you want to change about our meetings?

Additional step: 360 degree assessment

Spiritual life (Third step)

1. How are you today? What is the difference between last week and now?
2. What is something memorable about yourself to help me remember you?
3. What's MISSING in your life right now?
4. Tell me about some of the biggest challenges in your life? How did you overcome
them? What is the lesson behind them?
5. What are most you proud of in your life?
6. What do you like about yourself?
7. What do you stand for?
8. What would you stand up and fight for?
9. Can you formulate some principles for your life? Why you have it?
10. What is your favourite activity and why?
11. If I ask you to describe your relationship with your family, what you will say?
12. Do you have a person in your life that influenced you in a good way? (inspired)
13. Who do you admire? What specifically about them do you admire?
14. What do you need to stop saying 'Yes' to?
15. Is this really good enough for you?
16. What would happen if you RAISED your expectations?
17. What would happen if you LOWERED your expectations?
18. What's one change you could make that would give you more peace & calm?
19. What are 3 things you are doing regularly that don't serve or support you?
20. What would you think about this 1 month/1 year/10 years from now?
21. What do you feel the most beneficial part of the session was?
22. Thinking broadly, what have you achieved during the coaching period?What have
you learned that you will carry forwards in life?
Responding to "I Don't Know"
 Just feel into the question for a second…
 What are you pretending n
 Just let me know when you've thought of something
 What is it like for you to not know?
 And if you DID know? (Use carefully and only with good rapport)

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