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A. What is the difference between a compare essay and a contrast essay? Choose the correct answer.

1. Compare essay shows differences and contrast essay shows similarities

2. Both types of essays show differences
3. Compare essay shows similarities and contrast essay shows differences
4. Both types of essays show similarities

B. In the exam if the question is compare between your friends and your enemies, what would you write
similarities or differences?_________________________________________________

C. There are two types of structures while writing a compare or contrast essay. What are they?

1. ___________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________

D. Which method is preferable to you?______________________________________________

E. Below are the structures of a compare or a contrast essay. Decide which one is in a block arrangement and
which one is in a point by point method.

1. Thesis statement: There are three similarities/differences between a politician and an actor which are
popularity, acting skills and personality.

Body Paragraph 1: A politician

Acting skills
Body Paragraph 2: An actor
Acting skills

2. Thesis statement: There are three similarities/differences between a politician and an actor which are
popularity, acting skills and personality.

Body Paragraph 1: Popularity

A politician
An actor
Body Paragraph 2: Acting skills
A politician
An actor
Body Paragraph 3: Personality
A politician
An actor

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