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By: William Moscoso


Serwica company has arrived for solve your problems, Sergio Velasquez who runs
the company talked about the invents for change our lives.

Traffic problems are a common headache

for most of the citizens of the lost City, the
stress and bad mood in people are caused
by the traffic jams, the work and study were
influenced by it. By 2021, these
inconveniences will be finished by

The prototype of the first flying vehicle was

presented today by the company, this
means that the time on the journey from
home to their jobs will be reduced by the Figure 1 Taken from:
new car, without having to worry about a tire
bursting or the bad condition of the tracks. auto-volador-mirada-puesta-2020-135117-noticia/

However, there are other factors that must be analyzed by the Engineers before
launching the vehicle, like the service stations they can fueled the tank, because the
car doesn`t work with ordinary gas, the engine works with a compound of hydrogen
with plutonium.

The future has arrived, and although still there are aspects to improve, the roads will
be changed by the air routes.
By: Kelly Johana Sanchez Palomo
This news today shocks us a little
already that the children of the lost
city. Are in very vulnerable
conditions; they were affected by
corruption that has been hitting the
lost city; since some time ago,
already which for these leaders the
ambition has was most important who
the smaller.
The parents exhausted by seen to
your children suffering for lack by one
computer, where they could do made
their work, investigations and others. (
fotos-slideshow-internet/, s.f.)
So decided to look for help doing
activities for itself obtain resources
and accomplish the objective.

Although the children already have their computers thanks to the efforts of
their parents; they don’t forget about everything the mishaps they had to go
through, because they had to walk around by two hours to one neighboring
city. Where one public library them providing the service for one hour so that
they could do their tasks. It is shame that in the full 40th century our children
have to go pass for these needs.
Considering all for the children had to go through, their parents have decided
search help by one professional in psychology. In order to teach them that
although life has obstacles, everything has always a solution and that the
more important is who they can to have an educations dignified, and yet more
that the danger is over.
Today only they think about doing more activities, to buy then some computers
more and elements by education, for their activities as students. And that all
those affectations by which passed already stay the past.
Ruins in Bacata City
20 th may, Bacata
By Andres Perez

The ruins have been discovered by the archaeologists

who have very fear because they are under of the
mountains, anyway, the fear is not only for the natural risk
of remotion, almost is a significate of the symbols into the
The caves into the mountain will be studied by the scientist
of every word who have the equipment for this type of
expeditions. Immediately they will be the translators of the
The population of Bacatca City think about this symbols which are darks and
dangerous. Whit respect to COVID-19 and others tragedies, for example, global
warming, and deaths from people sick, maybe it has been born from the ruins.
Now, every people in the city must travel from their homes to others cities. However,
some people cannot travel, so the money for the people poor is being prepared by
the government to help.
The questions about is; ¿ which is the problem inside the mountains? ¿why the ruins
are there? ¿who lived there?
Finally, this questions must be answered in short time because it is believed that kills
have been caused for bad energies of a civilizations of the past. This people was
from another continent and traveled here for gold, women’s and wars.
C.C 1.033.793.517


The son of Malcom X, who is called
Tomas X, is helping the less advanced
cities to improve them and to be at the
level of the entire lost city. These
advances are being made by the son
Tomas X.

Finally, the conclusion is reached that

we still have to learn many things on
our planet and we must take care of
la.html) each of these parts.
In the lost city, there are reports of If we do not take care of our planet, we
technological advances in certain will become extinct and achieve
parts of the city, this city is divided by nothing in the world. We can move
various sectors which do not have the forward together but in the right way
same system of laws. and without harming the world.
Likewise, the support between all of us
Initially they were united sectors, but
can make us grow too much.
some began to advance faster than
others and separated.
In the year 2020 the technological
distribution begins in one of these
sectors of the city called the “Cheky”.
“Cheky” city was founded by Marlon X,
who was one of his ancestors who
discovered some portraits and
sculptures in this city.
Thanks to the fact that this city
returned before the eyes of all. New
flying car technologies and robot
information were found for
technological advances.

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