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The piano is a beautiful instrument that warmed its way into my heart the first time I

ever heard its magical sound. When I started playing the piano, I didn’t have a choice, it

possessed me. I could not deny the flowing rhythm, pulsing beat, or the surreal noise. The

piano is not an instrument, it is a spell. The magnetic pull of eighty-eight black and white

keys on my fingers was best moment of my life. 

When I started playing the piano in first grade, my life dramatically changed for the

better. It started with my mom when I was seven. I was born in musical family. My father

really loves listen to piano melodies and I wanted to my parents will proud of me. This is the

reason why I learned piano lesson. In the beginning learning how to play piano was not as

easy as it seems. To become succesful, there were so many steps and challenges I may

obstruct with. That included four parts. First, I needed to learn how to put my hand position

correctly on the keyboard. Second, I learned how to read the note precisely and where does it

go. Third, I started playing short music sheets to get used to moving my fingers around.

Finally, I learned to play a long music sheet smoothly. At the end, I hope that I will not make

any mistakes in playing wrong notes and everything will be fluent. However nothing will be

successful without effort. I will take a lot of time to finish learning a new song so I need to

plan everything. To be a good pianist, it makes people from years to years to actually play

beautifully. The one problem I think that not so many people struggle with is that my fingers

was really small so it is hard for me to surf on the keyboard and they are also easy to get

tired. I will still try my best to work on it. There are many learning goals I hope that I can

achieve after finishing the project.

To achieve can play some famous classical sheets, I cannot just go straight to the

piano and start playing it. It has many steps. First of all, I need to do some research about

how to play the piano such as looking up some videos people plating it because my mother

didn’t have enough time to teach me lessons. Then, I have to spend a little time from

everyday to practice. Next, participate in competitions is very helpful to play flawless.

Eleven years is not long enough for me to be professional but better than beginning.

Playing piano is also an excellent way to strengthen eye-hand coordination and people who

take piano lessons learn a lot about discipline, dedication and rewards of hard work. To

demonstrate to the review panel that I met my learning goals, I will record everything that I

did from the beginning to the end so my parents see how I have improved and what did I

really achieve. Sometimes I had little terrible time to learn to play sheets by myself and need

my mother to help me. Then my mother also help me keeping the melody and beats in track

and make sure that everything is right. I think that learning new sheet will take even much

longer time for us to finish studying the sheet, at least two or three weeks. To make this

succesful and significant, I have to spend lots of effort, courage, and time. Planning ahead is

very important thing to do so that will be finished on time. After that long hard time when I

play that new sheet I learned it feels so exciting and it allows me to imagine anything. I can

see the tears on the cheek of beautiful swan, or I can even become a part of the harsh

mountain winds. In other words, it enables me to make my own world. Remember that life is

not always the way we want it to be. At times you are playing perfect tune but other times

you’re not playing good melodies. It is all because of you. If you want play good melody and

feel nice, you should work hard by yourself and do it sincerely.

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