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Arla is BIG.

SO BIG IT’S DIFFICULT TO GROW ANYMORE -IN DENMARK- – at least not if we just continue
the way we always have.

We need be able to attract our shoppers to buy more of our products OR we need to grow the entire
dairy pie.

But how can we grow the pie – or perhaps even create a NEW pie altogether?

We know that people are expecting and demanding more – seeking their own experiences, which causes
a fragmented consumer base we need to cater to.

In this chaotic environment, we need to find new ways to increase the occasions for dairy.

Four key drivers have been identified to help guide and enable us to fill our pipeline with exciting
initiatives - but it’s also about taking risks to enter into non-traditional channels that fit to our ever-
changing environment.

Health. Taste. Convenience. Sustainability.

Just think…how do we interact more with our digital consumer base – QR codes, applications, analytics.
What does that even mean for us?!

What about expanding our portfolio with Italian and French cheeses that we already distribute in other
parts of the business?

Have you been to street food?

Can we interact with our consumers in a Karolines Kitchen food truck where we inspire healthier
cooking recipes?

And what about a café latte truck for the on-the-go’ers seeking quality energizers?

The sustainability agenda is BIG. We all know it’s BIG.

But how do we start interacting with our customers, with our consumers, and with our employees?

What is the story we want to write for the next generation?

So, the big question is – how will we enable our teams to think outside of the box?
How are we going to cater to our fragmented reality where everything is important and we need to
come together in order to be faster, better, and bolder?

Arla. Thinking about the Day After Tomorrow, together.

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