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“Every flight begins with a fall.

You probably read or heard lots of situations where people failed at something and after that succeeded or
maybe you felt that on your own skin. For instance, when I was in the middle school, I always failed to
understand physics, but once I started to prepare for a serious test and began to understand it and now, I
really like this subject. This is how life works and it is always meant to go through both failure and
Michael Jordan said “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but I can’t accept not trying”. I
agree with that and think that it is natural for people to fail at something, but they do not have to give up.
As an example, we could follow baby birds who don’t know how to fly at first but they keep trying and
one faithful day, instead of falling to the ground, they spread their wings and fly. This is mainly because
of persistence, so we should do the same. Just imagine JK Rowling giving up after first heard “no” from
the editors. We would never know about Harry Potter or read about the magical world. Maybe Daniel
Radcliffe would never become an actor. But she didn’t do that. She tried again and again and asked every
company to publish her book and now you all know the result and the worldwide phenomenon.
Another interesting thing is that we wouldn’t get exited if we succeeded every time, we would simply get
bored. This often happens to young athletes who often gain success, fame and money too early. They start
thinking that they reached the top and forget about trainings in that way losing their potential. That’s why
we should be aware when we get something too easy. Also, we don’t need to be ashamed to fail because
when you fail at something, you are actually one step closer to finding a way that will succeed. Like
Thomas Edison who invented light bulb after trying thousands of times and failed every time till he
achieved the result he needed. When he was asked about that he said "I have not failed. I've just found
10,000 ways that won't work”. That’s how positive and fearless we have to be in life.
To sum up, don’t be afraid to take risks and fail, because without failure, success wouldn’t taste so sweet.

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