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Topic: On the beach (beach related vocabulary) 1

Choose the best (most logical) response to complete each of the following sentences. Choose
from the following words: towel, dry, waves, surfboard, swim, sand, tan, lifeguard,
sunglasses, cooler.

1. Could you please pass me one of the bottles of water from the  ?

2. I've got   in my shoes. I need to shake.

3. Hey you've already got a  . Don't stay in the sun any longer, or you'll
get sunburned.

4. Is that shirt wet or  ?

5. Hand me a  . I need to dry off.

6. The   are too big, and I'm afraid they'll knock me down if I go into
the water.

7. I'm going in for a  .

8. I'd feel safer if there was a   around.

9. Jim's a great surfer, but his   isn't very good.

10. Wear your   or you'll hurt your eyes.

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