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Group Exercise

Desert Survival Task

Time allowed: 45 mins

Scenario: Plane crashed in desert, all except 4 of you were dead, the nearest town is 70 miles
away. In your pocket, you have a box of cigarettes, a lighter, $150 notes

Task: Work as a team, come up with a survival plan, prioritise the 14 items below, present
1. Large book of approach charts
2. 6 L of water
3. Life Jacket with whistle and light
4. Flashlight
5. Table salt tablet
6. Swiss Army Knife
7. 1 : 1,000,000 topographic chart
8. A dislodge magnetic compass
9. A life raft with capacity for 6 people
10. Cosmetic toiletries bag with soap, shaving blazer and shaving mirror
11. 2 bottles of vodka
12. A large plastic rain cape (poncho style)
13. A first aid kid box
14. An empty can container

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