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1/30/2018 ❙❙ CBSE-NET (Based on NTA-UGC) Psychology (Paper-II & Paper-III) Mental Disorders Questions 192 to 192 - DoorstepTutor

Axis I (Clinical Disorders) as per DSM-V represents acute symptoms that need treatment. Axis I
diagnoses are the most familiar and widely recognized (for example, major depressive episode,
schizophrenic episode, panic attack) and these terms are classified according to V-codes by the
medical industry (mainly for billing and insurance purposes).

Axis II: Assessment of personality disorders and intellectual disabilities. These disorders are
usually life-long problems that first arise in childhood.

Axis III: Medical or neurological conditions that may influence a psychiatric problem. For
example, diabetes might cause extreme fatigue which may lead to a depressive episode.

Axis IV: Identifies recent psychosocial stressors - a death of a loved one, divorce, losing a job,
etc. - that may affect the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of mental disorders.

Axis V: Identifies the patient’s level of function on a scale of 0 - 100, (100 is top-level
functioning) and are also called Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale, it attempts to
quantify a patient’s ability to function in daily life. 2/2

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